Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Learning to read and write Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Learning to read and write - Essay Example When Douglas attained 12 years, he acquired a book, the Colombian Orator that gave him an insight about slavery. Within the book was a conversation between a slave and his master. The slave had made three futile attempts to escape but finally managed to negotiate his terms of slavery. Douglas quest for education spurred deep resentment against his masters and the whites. The more he read about slavery, the more he loathed the white people. He hated himself for being black and even worse hated how the whites treated him and fellow blacks. Douglas learnt about the abolishment campaign by citizens from the North but lacked the nerves to see it happen. Once when helping Irish whites unload a scow of stones, he learnt of the northerners’ piety for the black slaves in the south. His resentment peaked when he decided he needed to run away but later settled to stay since he was young. For him to earn a dignified life as any other free American, he needed to know how to read and write. He knew how to read but was not good at writing. Douglas made an effort to educate himself on how to write with the help of other white children (Frederick). I t was a long, painstaking journey for Douglas to learn how to read and
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Simone De Beauvoir: Gender and Sex
Simone De Beauvoir: Gender and Sex Simone de Beauvoir’s Insights Towards Gender and Status Is there any wonder that Simone de Beauvoir rejected the idea that gender has innate characteristics from birth? As a woman philosopher living in a man’s world I believe she fully understood what she was talking about. The writings in her world renowned book ‘The Second Sex’ written in 1947 give us a historical and cultural lesson of what women have had to overcome to exist as women in a man’s world. Men and women are both influenced by their conditioning the main difference is that man has been attributed the leading role. Times are changing and Simone de Beauvoir has played an important role in our attempt to undo the erroneous programming. Today’s leading ladies have proven their capacities at playing the part. Simone de Beauvoir’s example of what a woman that is intelligent can do in life by her straightforward, honest approach may be the stepping stones for other women to fearlessly do the same. As far back as the 10th century ideas of antifeminism have haunted the women of the world. The handful of women that were in the limelight were usually obliterated for witchcraft as in the case of Jeanne D’Arc or publicly ridiculed or at worse martyred. Women as the lesser sex have been depicted as temptresses from Bible days which at the same time undermined their intelligence. This dual image which has conditioned women to see themselves as passive beings who lie in wait for men to save, them or come and love them and their counterparts the devouring temptresses who take what they want and leave the rest behind including their intelligence is what Simone de Beauvoir sees as our conditioning. This conditioning starts at a very early age when there are no apparent differences between baby girls and baby boys. They are both at this early age totally in need of nurturing and physical contact which they thrive upon. This loving care is exactly the same up until a certain moment w hen the baby is weaned. According to Simone De Beauvoir from that point on boys are taught to become little men and they receive less physical contact and affection than their girl counterparts; They are also a product of their conditioning just as we are. This is an important thing to remember throughout this reading. Boys and girls alike are part of their environmental conditioning through family heritage, cultural traditions, religious beliefs and historical beliefs. As children we all have the same attitudes of temper tantrums, pouting, charming our parents then we are in fact the same until our environment gives us another outlook upon ourselves. Little girls quickly learn that they need to be careful. They need to act like little ladies not climbing trees and skinning knees as their brothers are encouraged to do. This myth starts very early with the family attitude about the physical differences between sexes. Boys have an outward expression of their masculinity which turns th em rapidly into having something to be proud of. This expression of self that has, in the eyes of the parents, a value becomes what the boy measures himself to other boys with. It’s a tactile indicator of their manliness and gives them the instinct of measurability. How long their sex is and how far they can urinate. The inevitable presence of their extension gives them a power of object. Women are inwardness. All of their discoveries are inward and therefore left unsaid. You can’t see much of the sex of a little girl so it is not made a fuss over as boy’s sexes are. Girls try to express their transfer towards an object to a doll for example. This treating a doll as herself gives her the idea that the substance is the same and therefore she is someone to dress up to cater to, that has an existence because others make her exist. Later on in life she will eventually become that doll thing that sits home waiting for her husband and children to pick her up and do as they please with her. Just as she idled away her childhood she idles away the hours of her parenthood, or wifehood at home staving off boredom with no particular goals or worlds to conquer. Boys grow up with the idea that they are going somewhere and have something to accomplish and will assume responsibilities along the way. They learn at around 13 yrs. old that the answer may not come out in words but through violence. A girl wills repress her own violence because girls don’t do that sort of thing. This violence turns into neurosis which in part is violence unexpressed which comes back to oneself eventually. Simone De Beauvoir was avant guard when she recognized the fact that women have their own part of violence at that age but we do not allow ourselves to express it. We are simply not encouraged socially, historically or culturally to express it. Where progress has been made is that more and more women are training in martial arts which are a positive way to express their inner violence. What upset our mothers, and depending on what conditioning you were also given, was the pre- established path chosen for us no matter what we would like to become. Once the path was set then fear was quickly to follow. What path? The path that says no matter what education you receive you will end up a wife and mother then grandmother. This is a frightening aspect of the growing girl’s plight. She will not only have to learn to become a woman, a wife, a mother and a grandmother. She can study all that she would like but there is no real asking of her to do so or to assume the responsibilities that this implies. She’ll marry then stop working to have children and her husband’s career will prevail and take on the traditional role of breadwinner. Perhaps today’s economy has obliged young women to be career assertive but maybe not for the right reasons. Career minded because families are not withstanding without two good salaries to support them. The outer exp ression of sexual pride may still be baring the road. The fact that a young woman can be a productive and important member of our society and that she also has her contribution to make does not seem to impress upon girls as it does on boys. There are so many frightening biological events in the life of a young girl who is becoming a woman that possessing her own inward sexuality is a complicated task. Young men can see theirs, be proud of it, and use it where as young girls have to deal with what biologically is imposed upon them. Their menstrual cycles which alter their characters for several days a month is in itself part of the mystery of womanhood. The changes in her body that may lead her to withdrawal because now she is becoming the object so desired by men. The doll has come of age and can now be manoeuvred accordingly. This is a moment in time when many young women become anorexic keeping their bodies at bay and stopping the menstrual cycle as if time would stand still. The onset of an eventual pregnancy, abortion risk, risks during pregnancy, menopause and all the choices that implies has made being a woman probably more complicated than being a man. What is very interesting to remark according to statistics there are a large majority of women that would prefer being men. Men in a very small minority if they had the choice would have preferred being a woman. There is the unfortunate, radical, feminist view of continuously proving that women can be more or better than men by doing the same things and acting the same way.. I find this unfortunate. If we want equality then we should be striving for equal respect and equal rights not superiority and domination which are what has made us suffer from the ages. Women finding ways to be assertive, well-balanced, brilliant, and effective is what can give us our strength in today’s world. It was unthought-of at the time of French sculpt rice Camille Claudel that a woman could surpass the master. Camille Claudel would never have broken through the layers of men to get to where she did in the arts if she hadn’t had the support of her father firstly and Rodin. Once Rodin retracted she lost all prestige and control over her life. There is the great Mexican artist Frida Kahlo who also had the support of her father interestingly enough and that of a great Mexican artist as well. Both fathers in these two examples gave their support to their daughters which were probably what they would have received if they were sons instead of daughters. In the face of talent and genius these men were supportive and able to recognize potential. How many other Sunday morning painters got left by the roadside because they were not recognized in virtue of their talents but because of their gender? What did the world wars teach us about women? It taught us that in the absence of brothers, cousins, fathers, and husbands they were capable of running a country from industry to education the national health Women kept their families fed, clothed, and sheltered during the war. We are not warriors are heart but have the same potential. There are examples in history like Amazons and Jeanne d’Arc of women capable of leading armies and warring. We could have been cultivated as war lords also but weren’t. Women are givers of life and that is probably what gives us the incentive to promote peace culture instead of war. No woman wants to see her sons, daughters, husband, brothers or sisters go off to war and not come back. The peace movement has a majority of women supporters and that seems to go with the fact that life giving is still our realm. The political world has opened up it’s doors to women within the last twenty years. Before that time there was usually a woman behind a great man in the shadows and there to decorate the photographs for the press more than for her opinions. In France there were three woman ministers elected in the late 70’s. This was a turning point. The paradox comes in when women fought in the French resistance showing their bravery and didn’t obtain the right to vote until two years after the war was over. The equality act was also pronounced shortly after women’s right to vote. This maintaining of women in a conditioned status has been painful for us and is now becoming painful to our male counterparts who are seeking the limits of their own identity. Women are now brought up and beginning to think for themselves, what they want out of life, what they are going to do to get what they need. This is a true cultural revolution. If the conditioning has begun to change then women shall become women and know themselves. Thus knowing themselves they will become decision makers, and active citizens not through man’s making but through their own. This fundamental step has been operating since May 1968 even though precursors since ancient times have been trying to change this. Simone de Beauvoir succeeded in starting the league for Women’s Rights and was a militant for family planning. Giving back to women the right to do what they need to do with their own bodies was an essential step in accepting the responsibilities that are incumbent for every human being either man or woman. The big waking up of our society started with her book and has continued to live on inspiring women to take the responsibility for their lives as a person and an equal which gives them a lot more freedom than it did our mothers. The social role was encouraging us look pretty but please don’t say anything. Mediocrity amongst woman rose as her only idea of self was stemming from what others mirrored her. Her husband and her family were her only mirrors and connection with the world. He went out in the world she quietly stayed home or followed in the shadows. If an intelligent woman did express herself she was ridiculed in public and could not be accepted for her thoughts. The Marie Curie’s and other thinkers are a small handful of the potential that women have been suppressing since the beginning of time. Women are beginning to realize that no matter what their conditioning since birth they can change the course of events in their lives. Taking their own responsibility for their own lives and what is to become of them is the next chapter in our evolution. Women are finally starting to be raised to believe in themselves and their capacities. Ask a little girl today what she wants to become later and she might surprise you and answer â€Å"an astronaut, a research worker, an architect â€Å". We are far from the days of Simone de Beauvoir’s struggle to live in a man’s world. I think that men are having trouble adjusting to this change. They are becoming more and more aware of women’s presence in the work field and their contribution as fellow citizens. Their own identity has been questioned and ours is beginning to grow and develop. This cleavage will be difficult to stabilize since all related gender problems have finally come to the surface, the debate is whether or not women that are raising their children can make the ‘shift’ to raising their sons and daughters alike. The story perhaps begins and ends with women. Are we going to keep attributing to ourselves the role models that went before us? Or are we finally going to break the bondage of what we have been made to think of ourselves? There has come a time when the individual man or woman will begin to raise his consciousness and choose him or herself first. Not in and egotistical way but to ask oneself the question ‘†What do I need for myself right now to be in agreement with myself?†When finally women and men have worked on themselves enough to be able at any moment to ask themselves that question then it is definitely not a question of gender but autonomy. Do women want their autonomy? Is the easy way out or women to continue a mediocre existence to take the easy way out and let this be a man’s world and a state of dependency and submission? Men take their independence and unfortunately women think or have been taught to think theirs is to be earned. Men believe it is their right from the beginning. Women ask permission for it and in most circumstances and it never comes. Leaving behind all the social prejudice and family prejudice and historical and cultural prejudice can only be the choice of women. Simone de Beauvoir showed us that a woman is herself and can dare to be herself if she so chooses. Although this idea will not appeal to some, women are running for presidential office these days and hold important functions within our highest auspices while Simone’s message has probably hit home. Women are accepting to be themselves without asking permission to do so. Men are battling with their own conditioning and their own identity problems due to this conditioning. In order to create a balance it will take time and courage. Women for peace, for children’s rights, for non-vi olence, for equal education and career rights have united all over the world to speak their piece. A beautiful French song that implies women as being men’s future. could hold a lot of truth in these words. Thinking back on the historical events and cultural ideas about gender it must have taken great incentive for a woman like Simone de Beauvoir de openly and honestly explore the femaleness and the contradictions of our times. It is also easy to comprehend why men find it so difficult to understand us when we are on the brink of finding ourselves as people and as women. Perhaps if our own opinion of self changes then the worlds opinion can also evolve. Starting with individual awareness can only lead to universal awareness in time. Simone de Beauvoir in her rejection of gender has put back the sparkle in the eyes of women and helped us overcome the conditioning of the years. References Simone de Beauvoir ‘ Le Deuxieme Sexe’ Galiard, Paris 1947 Nancy Bauer Contributor ‘Simone de Beauvoir Philosophy and Feminism’ Columbia University press N.Y. 2001 Isabelle De Courtivron Contributor ‘ New French Feminism’ An Anthology ED. Elaine Marks ED. Publisher University of Massachusetts press,Amherst ma. 1980 Reference to song written and sung by Jean Ferrat ‘La Femme est l’avenir de l’homme’
Friday, October 25, 2019
Gene One Problem Definition :: Business Strategy Analysis
To grow or not to grow, that is the dilemma. Many companies are often faced with this challenging decision. The consequences of this decision may be the overall success or failure of the organization. Change is often necessary to create opportunities for growth and profitability. In fact, change is required for companies looking to grow the business (Andersen, 2005). Such changes may include modifying the existing culture of the organization and the company's leadership philosophy. McShane and Von Glinow (2004) define organizational culture as the set of core values, beliefs and behaviors shared by the members of an organization. Culture determines how formal or informal an office is, how much emphasis is placed on rules and regulations, how approachable senior management is, how problems are tackled and successes shared, etc. It is important, particularly in times of change, for companies to have a clear sense of who they are, what they stand for and what behaviors their people must exhibit for the organization to be successful. Having a clear vision has a positive impact on the organization and its employees. Having a strong sense of who the company is and what it stands for promotes an environment where people demonstrate a commitment to the company's core values, such as providing excellent customer service, being dedicated to quality, acting with integrity, and showing respect for each other. These values keep the company on course, regardless of the changes and challenges that are faced. Core values enable the company to not just weather the difficult times, but to come through them an even stronger organization. This paper explores the challenges and opportunities faced by Gene One and identifies end state goals used to measure success. It will show the benefits of revamping the existing culture of an organization in an effort to drive business results and experience growth and profitability. Gene One, faced with increasing demands in the biotech industry, is challenged to grow the business 40 percent per year for three years, become a publicly traded company, raise capital and develop new products. The company has experienced rapid growth, growing annual revenue from $2 million to $400 million over its first eight years. The CEO and Executive Board of Gene One are implementing the strategy to become a public company in order to gain access to the much needed capital for new product development and marketing.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Practical Demonkeeping Chapter 16-18
16 HOWARD Howard Phillips, the owner of H.P.'s Cafe, had just settled down in the study of his stone cottage when he looked out the window and saw something moving through the trees. Howard had spent most of his adult life trying to prove three theories he had formulated in college: one, that before man had walked the Earth there had been a powerful race of intelligent beings who had achieved a high level of civilization, then for some unknown reason had disappeared; two, that the remnants of their civilization still existed underground or under the ocean, and through extreme cunning and guile had escaped detection by man; and three, that they were planning to return as masters of the planet in a very unfriendly way. What lurked in the woods outside Howard Phillips's cottage was the first physical evidence of his theories that he had ever encountered. He was at once elated and terrified. Like the child who is delighted by the idea of Santa Claus, then cries and cowers behind its mother when confronted with the corpulent red-suited reality of a department-store Santa, Howard Phillips was not fully prepared for a physical manifestation of what he had long believed extant. He was a scholar, not an adventurer. He preferred his experiences to come secondhand, through books. Howard's idea of adventure was trying whole wheat toast with his daily ham and eggs instead of the usual white bread. He stared out the window at the creature moving in the moonlight. It was very much like the creatures he had read about in ancient manuscripts: bipedal like a man, but with long, apelike arms; reptilian. Howard could see scales reflecting in the moonlight. The one inconsistency that bothered him was its size. In the manuscripts, these creatures, who were said to be kept as slaves by the Old Ones, had always been small in stature, no more than a few feet tall. This one was enormous – four, maybe five meters tall. The creature stopped for moment, then turned slowly and looked directly at Howard's window. Howard resisted the urge to dive to the floor and so stood staring straight into the eyes of the nightmare. The creature's eyes were the size of car headlamps and they glowed a faint orange around slotted, feline pupils. Long, pointed scales lay back against its head, giving the impression of ears. They stood there, staring at each other, the creature and the man, neither moving, until Howard could bear it no longer. He grabbed the curtains and pulled them shut, almost ripping them from the rod in the process. Outside he could hear the sound of laughter. When he dared to peak through the gap in the curtains, the creature was gone. Why hadn't he been more scientific in his observation? Why hadn't he run for his camera? For all his work at putting together clues from arcane grimoirs to prove the existence of the Old Ones, people had labeled him a crackpot. One photograph would have convinced them. But he had missed his chance. Or had he? Suddenly it occurred to Howard that the creature had seen him. Why should the Old Ones be so careful not to be discovered for so long, then walk in the moonlight as if out for a Sunday stroll? Perhaps it had not moved on at all but was circling the house to do away with the witness. First he thought of weapons. He had none in the house. Many of the old books in his library had spells for protection, but he had no idea where to start looking. Besides, the verge of panic was not the ideal mental state in which to do research. He might still be able to bolt to his old Jaguar and escape. Then again, he might bolt into the claws of the creature. All these thoughts passed through his mind in a second. The phone. He snatched the phone from his desk and dialed. It seemed forever for the dial to spin, but finally there was a ring and a woman's voice at the other end. â€Å"Nine-one-one, emergency,†she said. â€Å"Yes, I wish to report a lurker in the woods.†â€Å"What is your name, sir?†â€Å"Howard Phillips.†â€Å"And what is the address you are calling from?†â€Å"Five-oh-nine Cambridge Street, in Pine Cove.†â€Å"Are you in any immediate danger?†â€Å"Well, yes, that is why I called.†â€Å"You say you have a prowler. Is he attempting to enter the house?†â€Å"Not yet.†â€Å"You have seen the prowler?†â€Å"Yes, outside my window, in the woods.†â€Å"Can you describe him?†â€Å"He is an abomination of such abysmal hideousness that the mere recollection of this monstrosity perambulating in the dark outside my domicile fills me with the preternatural chill of the charnel house.†â€Å"That would be about how tall?†Howard paused to think. Obviously the law enforcement system was not prepared to deal with perversions from the transcosmic gulfs of the nethermost craters of the underworld. Yet he needed assistance. â€Å"The fiend stands two meters,†he said. â€Å"Could you see what he was wearing?†Again Howard considered the truth and rejected it. â€Å"Jeans, I believe. And a leather jacket.†â€Å"Could you tell if he was armed?†â€Å"Armed? I should say so. The beast is armed with monstrous claws and a toothed maw of the most villainous predator.†â€Å"Calm down, sir. I am dispatching a unit to your home. Make sure the doors are locked. Stay calm, I'll stay on the line until the officers arrive.†â€Å"How long will that be?†â€Å"About twenty minutes.†â€Å"Young woman, in twenty minutes I shall be little more than a shredded memory!†Howard hung up the phone. It had to be escape, then. He took his greatcoat and car keys from the foyer and stood leaning against the front door. Slowly he slipped the lock and grabbed the door handle. â€Å"On three, then,†he said to himself. â€Å"One.†He turned the door handle. â€Å"Two.†He bent, preparing to run. â€Å"Three!†He didn't move. â€Å"All right, then. Steel yourself, Howard.†He started the count again. â€Å"One.†Perhaps the beast was not outside. â€Å"Two.†If it was a slave creature, it wasn't dangerous at all. â€Å"Three!†He did not move. Howard repeated the process of counting, over and over, each time measuring the fear in his heart against the danger that lurked outside. Finally, disgusted with his own cowardliness, he threw the door open, and bolted into the dark. 17 BILLY Billy Winston was on the final stretch of the nightly audit at the Rooms-R-Us Motel. His fingers danced across the calculator like a spastic Fred Astaire. The sooner he finished, the sooner he could log onto the computer and become Roxanne. Only thirty-seven of the motel's one hundred rooms were rented tonight, so he was going to finish early. He couldn't wait. He needed Roxanne's ego boost after being ditched by The Breeze the night before. He hit the total button with a flourish, as if he had just played the final note of a piano concerto, then wrote the figure into the ledger and slammed the book. Billy was alone in the motel. The only sound was the hum of the fluorescent lights. From the windows by his desk he had a 180-degree view of the highway and the parking lot, but there was nothing to see. At that time of night a car or two passed every half hour or so. Just as well. He didn't like distractions while he was being Roxanne. Billy pushed a stool up to the front counter behind the computer. He typed in his access code and logged on. WITKSAS: HOW'S YOUR DOG, SWEETIE? SEND: PNCVCAL The Rooms-R-Us Motel chain maintained a computer network for making reservations at their motels all over the world. From any location a desk clerk could contact any of the two hundred motels in the chain by simply entering a seven-letter code. Billy had just sent a message to the night auditor in Wichita, Kansas. He started at the green phosphorescent screen, waiting for an answer. PNCVCAL: ROXANNE! MY DOG IS LONELY. HELP ME, BABY. WITKSAS Wichita was on line. Billy punched up a reply. WITKSAS: MAYBE HE NEEDS A LITTLE DISCIPLINE. I COULD SMOTHER HIM IF YOU WANT. SEND: PNCVCAL There was a pause while Billy waited. PNCVCAL: YOU WANT TO HOLD HIS POOR FUZZY FACE BETWEEN YOUR MELONS UNTIL HE BEGS? IS THAT IT? WITKSAS Billy thought for a moment. This was why they loved him. He couldn't just throw them an answer they could get from any sleazebeast. Roxanne was a goddess. WITKSAS: YES. AND BEAT HIM SOFTLY ON THE EARS. BAD DOG. BAD DOG. SEND: PNCVCAL Again Billy waited for the response. A message appeared on the screen. WHERE ARE YOU DARLING? I MISS YOU. TULSOKL. It was his lover from Tulsa. Roxanne could handle two or three at once, but she wasn't in the mood for it right now. She was feeling a little crampy. Billy adjusted his crotch, his panties were riding up a bit. He typed two messages. WITKSAS: GO PET YOUR DOGGIE FOR A WHILE. AUNTIE ROXANNE WILL CHECK ON YOU IN A WHILE. SEND: PNCVCAL TULSOKL: TOOK AN EVENING OFF TO SHOP FOR SOMETHING LACY TO WEAR FOR YOU. I HOPE YOU DON'T FIND IT TOO SHOCKING. SEND: PNCVCAL While he was waiting for a response from Oklahoma, Billy dug into his gym bag for his red high heels. He liked to hook the stiletto heels into the rungs of the stool while he talked to his lovers. When he glanced up, he thought he saw something moving out in the parking lot. Probably just a guest getting something from the car. PNCVCAL: YOU SWEET LITTLE THING, YOU COULD NEVER SHOCK ME. TELL ME WHAT YOU BOUGHT. TULSOKL Billy started to type in a modest description of a lace teddy he had seen in a catalog. To the guy in Tulsa, Roxanne was a shy little flower; to Wichita she was a dominatrix. The desk clerk in Seattle saw her as a leather-clad biker chick. The old man in Arizona thought she was a struggling single mother of two, barely making it on a desk clerk's salary. He always wanted to send her money. There were ten of them in all. Roxanne gave them what they needed. They loved her. Billy heard the double doors of the lobby open, but he did not look up. He finished typing his message and pressed the SEND button. â€Å"Can I help you,†he said mechanically, still not looking up. â€Å"You betcha,†a voice said. Two huge reptilian hands clacked down on the counter about four feet on each side of Billy. He looked up into the open mouth of the demon coming at his face. Billy pushed back from the keyboard. His heel caught in the rung of the stool and he went over backward as the giant maw snapped shut above him. Billy let loose a long, sirenlike scream and began scrambling on his hands and knees behind the counter toward the back office. Looking back over his shoulder, he saw the demon crawling over the counter after him. Once in the office, Billy leapt to his feet and slammed the door. As he turned to run out the back door, he heard the door fly open and slam against the wall. The back door of the office led into a long corridor of rooms. Billy pounded on the doors as he passed. No one opened a door, but there were angry shouts from inside the rooms. Billy turned and saw the demon filling the far end of the corridor. It was in a crouch, moving down the corridor on all fours, crawling awkward and batlike in the confined space. Billy dug in his pocket for his pass key, found it, and ran down the hallway and around the corner. Making the corner, he twisted his ankle. White pain shot up his leg, and he cried out. He limped to the closest door. The images of women in horror movies who twisted their ankles and feebly fell into the clutches of the monster raced through his head. Damn high heels. He fumbled the key into the lock while looking back down the hallway. The door opened and Billy fell into the room just as the monster rounded the corner behind him. He kicked the stiletto heel off his good foot, vaulted up and hopped across the empty room to the sliding glass door. The safety bar was set. He fell to his knees and began clawing at it. The only light in the room was coming from the hallway, and suddenly that was eclipsed. The monster was working its way through the doorway. â€Å"What the fuck are you!†Billy screamed. The monster stopped just inside the room. Even crouching over, its shoulders hit the ceiling. Billy cowered by the sliding door, still clawing under the curtains at the safety bar. The monster looked around the room, its huge head turning back and forth like a searchlight. To Billy's amazement, it reached around and turned on the lights. It seemed to be studying the bed. â€Å"Does that have Magic Fingers?†it said. â€Å"What!†Billy said. It came out a scream. â€Å"That bed has Magic Fingers, right?†Billy pulled the safety bar loose and hurled it at the monster. The heavy steel bar hit the monster in the face and rattled to the floor. The monster showed no reaction. Billy reached for the latch on the door and started to pull it open. The monster scuttled forward, reached over Billy's head, and pushed the door shut with one clawed finger. Billy yanked on the door but it was held fast. He collapsed under the monster with a long, agonizing wail. â€Å"Give me a quarter,†the monster said. Billy looked up into the huge lizard face. The monster's grin was nearly two feet wide. â€Å"Give me a quarter!†it repeated. Billy dug into his pocket, came out with a handful of change, and timidly held it up to the monster. Still holding the door shut with one hand, the monster reached down with the other and plucked a quarter from Billy's hand with two claws, using them like chopsticks. â€Å"Thanks,†it said. â€Å"I love Magic Fingers.†The demon let go of the door. â€Å"You can go now,†it said. Before he could think about it, Billy threw the door open and dove through. He was climbing to his feet when something caught him by the leg from behind and dragged him back into the room. â€Å"I was just kidding. You can't go.†The monster held Billy upside down by his leg while it dropped the quarter into the little metal box on the nightstand. Billy flailed in the air, screaming and clawing at the demon, ripping his fingernails against its scales. The monster took Billy into its arms like a teddy bear and lay back on the bed. Its feet hung off the end and nearly touched the dresser on the opposite wall. Billy could not scream; there was no breath for a scream. The monster let go with one arm and placed one long claw at Billy's ear. â€Å"Don't you just love Magic Fingers?†it said. Then it drove the claw though Billy's brain. 18 RACHEL After Merle died and Rachel observed a respectable period of mourning, which was precisely the same amount of time it took the courts to transfer Merle's property to her, she sold the Cessna and the trailer, bought herself a Volkswagen van, and on the advice of the women at the shelter, headed for Berkeley. In Berkeley, they insisted, she would find a community of women who could help her stay off the wheel of abuse. They were right. The women in Berkeley welcomed Rachel with open arms. They helped her find a place to live, enrolled her in exercise and self-actualization courses, taught her to defend herself, nurture herself, and most important, to respect herself. She lost weight and grew strong. She thrived. Within a year she took the remainder of her inheritance and bought a lease on a small studio adjacent to the University of California campus and began teaching high-intensity aerobics. She soon gained a reputation as a tough, domineering bitch of an instructor. There was a waiting list to get into her classes. The fat little girl had come into her own as a beautiful and powerful woman. Rachel taught six classes a day, putting herself through the rigors of each workout along with her students. After a few months of that regimen, she fell ill, waking one morning to find that she had just enough strength to call the women in her classes to cancel, and no more. One of her students, a statuesque, gray-haired woman in her forties named Bella, appeared at Rachel's door a few hours later. Once through the door Bella began giving orders. â€Å"Take off your clothes and get back in bed. I'll bring you some tea in a moment.†Her voice was deep and strong, yet somehow soothing. Rachel did as she was told. â€Å"I don't know what you think you've done to deserve the punishment you are giving yourself, Rachel,†Bella said, â€Å"but it has to stop.†Bella sat on the edge of Rachel's bed and watched while Rachel drank the tea. â€Å"Now lie on your stomach and relax.†Bella applied fragrant oil to Rachel's back and began rubbing, first with long, slow strokes that spread the oil, then gradually digging her fingers into the muscles until Rachel thought she would cry out in pain. When the message was finished, Rachel felt even more exhausted than before. She fell into a deep sleep. When Rachel awoke, Bella repeated the process, forcing Rachel to drink the bitter tea, then kneading her muscles until they ached. Again, Rachel slept. When Rachel awoke the fourth time, Bella again served her the tea, but this time she had Rachel lie on her back to receive her massage. Bella's hands played gently over her body, lingering between her legs and on her breasts. Through the drugged haze of the tea, Rachel noticed that the older woman was almost naked and had rubbed her own body with the same fragrant oils that she used on Rachel. It didn't occur to Rachel to resist. Since Bella had come through the door, she had been giving orders and Rachel had obeyed. In the dim light of Rachel's little apartment they became lovers. It had been two years since Rachel had been with a man. Trading soft caresses with Bella, she didn't care if she was ever again. When Rachel was back on her feet, Bella introduced her to a group of women who met at Bella's house once a week to perform ceremonies and rituals. Among these women Rachel learned about a new power she carried within herself, the power of the Goddess. Bella tutored her in the machinations of white magic and soon Rachel was leading the coven in rituals, while Bella looked on like a proud mother. â€Å"Modulate your voice,†Bella told her. â€Å"No matter what you are saying it should sound like a chant to the Goddess. The coven should be taken with the chant. That is the meaning of enchantment, my dear.†Rachel gave up her apartment and moved into Bella's restored Victorian house near the U.C. campus. For the first time in her life, she felt truly happy. Of course, it didn't last. One afternoon she came home to find Bella in bed with a bald and bewhiskered professor of music. Rachel was livid. She threatened the professor with a fireplace poker and chased him, half-naked, into the street. He exited clutching his tweed jacket and corduroy slacks in front of him. â€Å"You said you loved me!†Rachel screamed at Bella. â€Å"I do love you, dear.†Bella did not seem the least bit upset. Her voice was deep and modulated like a chant. â€Å"This was about power, not love.†â€Å"If I wasn't filling your needs, you should have said something.†â€Å"You are the most wonderful lover I have known, dear Rachel. But Dr. Mendenhall holds the mortgage on our house. That loan is interest free, in case you hadn't noticed.†â€Å"You whore!†â€Å"Aren't we all, dear?†â€Å"I'm not.†â€Å"You are. I am. The Goddess is. We all have our price. Be it love, or money, or power, Rachel. Why do you think the women in your exercise classes put themselves through so much pain?†â€Å"You're changing the subject.†â€Å"Answer me,†Bella demanded. â€Å"Why?†â€Å"They want a sound body. They want a strong vessel to carry a strong spirit.†â€Å"They don't give a rat's ass about a strong spirit. They want a tight ass so men will want them. They will deny it to the death, but it's true. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you will realize your own power.†â€Å"You're sick. This goes against everything you've ever taught me.†â€Å"This is the most important thing I ever will teach you, so listen! Know your price, Rachel.†â€Å"No.†â€Å"You think I'm some cheap slut, do you? You think you're above selling yourself? How much rent have you ever paid here?†â€Å"I offered. You said it didn't matter. I loved you.†â€Å"That's your price, then.†â€Å"It's not. It's love.†â€Å"Sold!†Bella climbed out of bed and strode across the room, her long gray hair flying behind her. She took her robe from the closet, threw it around herself, and tied the sash. â€Å"Love me for what I am, Rachel. Just as I love you for what you are. Nothing has changed. Dr. Mendenhall will be back, whimpering like a puppy. If it will make you feel better, you can be the one that takes him. Maybe we can do it together.†â€Å"You're sick. How could you even suggest such a thing?†â€Å"Rachel, as long as you see men as human beings, we are going to have a problem. They are inferior beings, incapable of love. How could a few moments of animal friction with a subhuman affect us? What we have between us?†â€Å"You sound like a man caught with his pants down.†Bella sighed. â€Å"I don't want you around the others until you calm down. There's some money in my jewelry box. Why don't you take it and go down to Esalen for a week or so. Think this over. You'll feel better when you get back.†â€Å"What about the others?†Rachel asked. â€Å"How do you think they'll feel when they find out that all the magic, all the spiritualism you preach, is just so much bullshit?†â€Å"Everything is true. They follow me because they admire my power. This is part of that power. I haven't betrayed anyone.†â€Å"You've betrayed me.†â€Å"If you feel that way, then perhaps you'd better leave.†Bella went into the bathroom and began drawing a bath. Rachel followed her. â€Å"Why should I leave? I could just tell them. I know as much as you do now. I could lead them.†â€Å"Dear Rachel.†Bella was adding oils to her bath and not looking up. â€Å"Didn't you learn anything from killing your husband? Destruction is a man's way.†Rachel was stunned. She had told Bella about the accident but not that she had caused it. She had told no one. Bella looked up at her at last. â€Å"You can stay if you wish. I still love you.†â€Å"I'll go.†â€Å"I'm sorry, Rachel. I thought you were more highly evolved.†Bella slipped out of her robe and into her bath. Rachel stood in the doorway staring down at her. â€Å"I love you,†she said. â€Å"I know you do, dear. Now, go pack your things.†Rachel couldn't bear the idea of staying in Berkeley. Everywhere she went she encountered reminders of Bella. She loaded up her van and spent a month driving around California, looking for a place where she might fit in. Then, one morning while reading the paper over breakfast, she spotted a column called â€Å"California Facts.†It was a simple list of figures that informed readers of obscure facts such as which California county produces the most pistachios (Sacramento), where one had the best chance of having one's car stolen (North Hollywood), and tucked amid a mlange of seemingly insignificant demographics, which California town had the highest per capita percentage of divorced women (Pine Cove). Rachel had found her destination. Now, five years later, she was firmly set in the community, respected by the women and feared and lusted after by the men. She had moved slowly, recruiting into her coven only women who sought her out – mostly women who were on the verge of leaving their husbands and who needed something to shore them up during the divorce process. Rachel provided them with the support they required, and in return they gave her their loyalty. Just six months ago she initiated the thirteenth and final member of the coven. At last she was able to perform the rituals that she had worked so hard to learn from Bella. For years they seemed ineffective, and Rachel attributed their failure to not having a full coven. Now she was starting to suspect that the Earth magic they were trying to perform just did not work – that there was no real power to be had. She could lead the coven to attempt anything, and on her command they would do it. That was a power of sorts. She could extract favors from men with no more than a seductive glance and in that, there was a power. But none of it was enough. She wanted the magic to work. She wanted real power. Catch had sensed Rachel's lust for power in the Head of the Slug that afternoon, recognizing in her what he had seen in his ruthless masters before Travis. That night, while Rachel lay in the dark of her cabin, contemplating her own impotence, the demon came to her. She had locked the door that night, more out of habit than need, as there was very little crime in Pine Cove. Around nine she heard someone try the doorknob and she sat upright in bed. â€Å"Who is it?†As if in answer, the door bent slowly inward and the doorjamb cracked, then splintered away. The door opened, but there was no one behind it. Rachel pulled the quilt up around her chin and scooted up into the corner of the bed. â€Å"Who is it?†A voice growled out of the darkness, â€Å"Don't be afraid. I will not hurt you.†The moon was bright. If someone was there, she should have been able to see his silhouette in the doorway, but strain as she might, she saw nothing. â€Å"Who are you? What do you want?†â€Å"No – what do you want?†the voice said. Rachel was truly frightened; the voice was coming from an empty spot not two feet away from her bed. â€Å"I asked you first,†she said. â€Å"Who are you?†â€Å"Ooooooooooo, I am the ghost of Christmas past.†Rachel poked herself in the leg with her thumbnail to make sure she was not dreaming. She wasn't. She found herself speaking to the disembodied voice in spite of herself. â€Å"Christmas is months away.†â€Å"I know. I lied. I'm not the ghost of Christmas past. I saw that in a movie once.†â€Å"Who are you!†Rachel was near hysteria. â€Å"I am all your dreams come true.†Someone must have planted a speaker somewhere in the house. Rachel's fear turned to anger. She leapt from bed to find the offending device. Two steps out of bed she ran into something and fell to the floor. Something that felt like claws wrapped around her waist. She felt herself being lifted and put back on the bed. Panic seized her. She began to scream as her bladder let go. â€Å"Stop it!†The voice drowned her screams and rattled the windows of the cabin. â€Å"I don't have time for this.†Rachel cowered on the bed. She was panting and felt herself getting light-headed. She started to sink back into unconsciousness, but something caught her by the hair and yanked her back. Her mind searched for a touchstone in reality. A ghost – it was a ghost. Did she believe in ghosts? Perhaps it was time to start. Maybe it was him, returned for revenge. â€Å"Merle, is that you?†â€Å"Who?†â€Å"I'm sorry, Merle, I had to†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Who is Merle?†â€Å"You're not Merle?†â€Å"Never heard of him.†â€Å"Then, who – what in the hell are you?†â€Å"I am the defeat of your enemies. I am the power you crave. I am, live and direct from hell, the demon Catch! Ta-da!†There was a clicking on the floor like a tap-dancing step. â€Å"You're an Earth spirit?†â€Å"Er, uh, yes, an Earth spirit. That's me, Catch, the Earth spirit.†â€Å"But I didn't think the ritual worked.†â€Å"Ritual?†â€Å"We tried to call you up at the meeting last week, but I didn't think it worked because I didn't draw the circle of power with a virgin blade that had been quenched in blood.†â€Å"What did you use?†â€Å"A nail file.†There was a pause. Had she offended the Earth spirit? Here was the first evidence that her magic could work and she had blown it by compromising the materials called for in the ritual. â€Å"I'm sorry,†she said, â€Å"but it's not easy to find a blade that's been quenched in blood.†â€Å"It's okay.†â€Å"If I had known, I†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"No really, it's okay.†â€Å"Are you offended, Great Spirit?†â€Å"I am about to bestow the greatest power in the world upon a woman who draws circles in the dirt with nail files. I don't know. Give me a minute.†â€Å"Then you will grant harmony to the hearts of the women in the coven?†â€Å"What the fuck are you talking about?†the voice said. â€Å"That is why we summoned you, O Spirit – to bring us harmony.†â€Å"Oh, yeah, harmony. But there is a condition.†â€Å"Tell me what you require of me, O Spirit.†â€Å"I will return to you later, witch. If I find what I am looking for, I will need you to renounce the Creator and perform a ritual. In return you will be given the command of a power that can rule the Earth. Will you do this?†Rachel could not believe what she was hearing. Accepting that her magic worked was a huge step, yet she was speaking to the evidence. But to be offered the power to rule the world? She wasn't sure her career in exercise instruction had prepared her for this. â€Å"Speak, woman! Or would you rather spend your life collecting gobs of hair from shower drains and fingernail parings from ashtrays?†â€Å"How do you know about that?†â€Å"I was destroying pagans when Charlemagne was alive. Now, answer; there is a hunger rising in me and I must go.†â€Å"Destroying pagans? I thought the Earth spirits were benevolent.†â€Å"We have our moments. Now, will you renounce the Creator?†â€Å"Renounce the Goddess, I don't know†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Not the Goddess! The Creator!†â€Å"But the Goddess†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Wrong. The Creator, the All-Powerful. Help me out here, babe – I'm not allowed to say his name.†â€Å"You mean the Christian God?†â€Å"Bingo! Will you renounce him?†â€Å"I did that a long time ago.†â€Å"Good. Wait here. I will be back.†Rachel searched for a last word, but nothing came. She heard a rustling in the leaves outside and ran to the door. In the moonlight she could see the shapes of cattle standing in the nearby pasture and something moving among them. Something that was growing larger as it moved away toward town.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Self-Love and Friendships
In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle describes the three different types of friendships: virtue, pleasure and utility. He describes how each friendship is different and how some friendships last and some don't. According to Aristotle, the relationship between friendships and self-love is friendships break down into self-love, the type of self-love one has determines what types of friendships one can maintain. Aristotle explains how in self-love one loves themself the most, or loves their partner the most, but should a man love himself most, or some one else?By breaking down friendships into self-love and using the truth tables, one can find the relationship between friendship and self-love. According to Aristotle, a friendship of utility is for the old. This type of friendship is easily broken and is based on what the other person in the relationship has brought to that relationship. One is in this relationship of utility because it is beneficial to them; one gets something out of it fro m the other person in it. This relationship is based on the benefits one can gain from being in this relationship (Page 130).This friendship is easily broken because when one no longer benefits there is no need for the friendship. The relationship of utility is a selfish relationship. The friendship of pleasure is to be seen in younger people. This usually involves the feelings between two lovers. This is when people get greater pleasure than when they are alone. This friendship is much like the friendship of utility where the relationship only lasts as long as the pleasure is still there. The friendship of virtue is the highest friendship one can have.In this relationship, both artners are alike in virtue, and they wish well to each other. This relationship, unlike utility and pleasure, is hard to obtain because these types of people are hard to come by. A virtuous relationship is long lasting as well because of their moral virtue. Friendship of virtue is seen to be permanent becau se the people involved meet all the qualities that friends should have. (Book Viii, chapter 3). Aristotle states that there are two different types of self-love.Many people who love themselves the most are characterized as selfish and egotistical, these people re seen as a disgrace. When people are egotistical they value things only in their personal interest Someone who is only interested in their own self-interest won't do anything if they can't get something out of it that will benefit them. When one looks for the greatest share of wealth, honor and bodily pleasures, their self-love is bad. It is problematic to think these are the best things. These people are motivated by greed and self-interest.Aristotle claims if this one has the bad type of self-love then they should love their friend the most. If they can relate to their self as their own friend, then this is the self-love they should have, to love their friend the most. â€Å"A man's best friend is one who wishes well to t he object of his wish for his sake, and these attributes are found most of all in a man's attitude towards himself, and so are the other attributes by which a friend is defined. †(Book ‘X, Chapter 8). According to Aristotle, people who look for utility or pleasure are not treating themselves well.One should love a friend for who they are, and one should love their self for the same eason. A person who seeks for personal goodness will aim at a virtuous life. (Page When one looks at self -love and the different types of friendships, utility, pleasure and virtue, they need to take into consideration the two different types of â€Å"or†. A friendship can be either â€Å"x/or†virtuous or â€Å"and/or†virtuous. â€Å"X/or†is when the friendship is exclusively virtuous meaning one or the other friendship, not both. The â€Å"and/or†relationship can be a virtuous relationship or another friendship exclusively and both.One who has the bad o r negative self-love can have an â€Å"Wor†virtuous relationship or an â€Å"and/or†, business and pleasure relationship. A person who has the good type of self-love is increasing virtue so they can strive to be a person who is living a life well-lived. In this self-love, one can have an â€Å"and/or†virtuous relationship. The use of the truth tables will help determine which type of â€Å"or†goes with the correct relationship. One who has virtuous friend love â€Å"and/or†self-love has a balanced life.One who has egotistical self-love â€Å"x/or†virtuous friend love, has love or another, but the love can only increase or decrease and never grow. It is important to remember that according to Aristotle, one who is not virtuous cannot be in a virtuous relationship. Aristotle explains how the three relationships, pleasure, utility and virtue can differ. Aristotle states how each relationship needs certain characteristics in order to be obt ained and who can interact in such a relationship. When one loves them self the most, a person can be in all three relationships.When one loves their friend the most, they can only be in a virtuous relationship. The relationship of utility and pleasure both are relationships that are based on benefits and once those benefits are gone, the relationship ends. I believe that many people have friendships of utility and not so much virtuous relationships. Not many people can say they have been friends with the same person for a long time. I agree with Aristotle when he says virtuous relationships are rare because of that. According to Aristotle, the relationship between friendships and self-love is friendships break down into self- love.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Whitman and Lincoln Essays
Whitman and Lincoln Essays Whitman and Lincoln Essay Whitman and Lincoln Essay The advantage of a brief speech at Gettysburg was that it stunned people. In doing that, he captured their attention and so they took note of what was said. The fact that the speech was brief meant that Lincoln had to be extremely careful with his word choice because his meaning had to be clear. Both Lincoln and Jefferson knew that the phrase â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident,†was necessary for a government that was to be governed by the people. The war in Lincoln’s day was fighting for the same principles as the on in Jefferson’s day. The first symbol on the poem When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom is â€Å"great star†which represents Abraham Lincoln who was a great star in American history. The second symbol is the lilacs. They bloom in the month of April and therefore, they will always symbolize the sadness and mourning of the assassination of President Lincoln. The narrator will alway s be reminded of the assassination when the lilacs bloom. Then the last is the birds that symbolize nature and how the assassination disrupted the natural order of what should happen in the world. The poem gives the impression of deep mourning and hope. Whitman uses descriptive language.At first the bird seems to have a god’s eye view of the earth, and is embracing what it sees from above. Then it detects death and the tone changes to one of deep sorrow. Whitman changed poetry forever by doing several things in his writing. He told his poems in prose which became popular with many other poets. He used odd symbolism dealt with topics were about things that people were not used to discussing in public before. He spoke of prostitution, sexuality, and death in Victorian times. The grass symbolizes the common things that unite people. Grass is something that is universal. It grows all over the earth, and rejuvenates itself continually as people do. Song of Myself is a true democratic poem. He shows that anyone and anything is fair game for subjects of poetry. The poem is an American Epic where middle class working people of Whitman’ s day of all types of occupations are the subjests/
Monday, October 21, 2019
Anarchism and the State Essays - Anti-fascism, Political Philosophy
Anarchism and the State Essays - Anti-fascism, Political Philosophy Anarchism and the State Anarchism and the State States have varied both historically and geographically such that for example David Held distinguishes between traditional states, feudal states,the polity of estates ,absolutist states and modern states while Richards and Smith distinguish between liberal states, social democratic states, collectivist states, totalitarian states and developmental states. Such distinctions are extremely important but I shall be concentrating in the following documents on the modern liberal democratic and social democratic states and later on important more recent changes in the nature of the modern British State. A very useful brief definition of the state has been provided by Andrew Heywood. He states that " the state can most simply be described as a political association that establishes sovereign jurisdiction within defined territorial borders and exercises authority through a set of permanent institutions. Using this definition let us isolate the key features of the state follows: 1.States aim to ensure that citizens comply with their laws and they may do so by engineering the consent of the citizens and or by the use of force. The monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force is central to Max Weber's definition of the state. He states that "a compulsory political organisation with continuous operations will be called a "state" insofar as its administrative staff successfully upholds the claims to the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force in the enforcement of its order." 2.It has also been argued by the French Marxist Louis Althusser that institutions such as the family, the church, the education system and the mass media should be seen as part of the state since they are ideological state apparatuses which function to legitimise the continued existence of the capitalist state. However other theorists would claim that these institutions are part of civil society rather than the State. 3.Modern states are organised on the basis of their Constitutions. A state's constitution may be defined as a system of rules and conventions by which the state is governed. Most importantly the Constitution specifies the relative powers of and relationships between the various political institutions of the state, most notably the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary and the rights and obligations of the citizen in relation to the state. Anarchism literally means without rule or without government. It has traditionally been associated with chaos, social disorder, destruction, violence and even terrorism. For example in the latter stages of the French Revolution the so-called Enrages who were critical of the Jacobin government for their failure to do more to help the poor and the disadvantaged were described by the government as anarchists in this pejorative sense and since then the word anarchist has often been used, particularly by moderates as a term of political abuse. However increasingly from the late C18th political theorists building on long standing political criticisms of authority developed an altogether more positive interpretation of the term anarchism. The case for Anarchism has come to rest essentially on the idea that political arguments in support of political authority and particularly arguments in support of the state are flawed. In the anarchist view the state does not guarantee social order, nor protect individual liberty, nor create the economic conditions for the improvement of working class life as conservatives, liberals and non-anarchist socialists would argue: rather the state constrains the individual and creates social disorder. Conversely the anarchists claim it is only individual freedom and the abolition of the state which will result in real human self-development and social harmony. To see this let us discuss the Anarchist logo. We must recognise that although the ideology of Anarchism contains important core elements there are also major divergences within this ideology. Anarchists are committed to the cause of individual liberty. They believe that individuals are the best judges of their own best interests and that they should therefore possess the high degree of liberty necessary to enable them to think and act as they see fit. The exercise of individual liberty will result also in social order and social harmony whereas if individuals are constrained by other individuals and organisations and especially if they are constrained by the State the result will be social disorder and social disharmony. All anarchists of all types are united
Sunday, October 20, 2019
History and Evolution of the Smart Pill
History and Evolution of the Smart Pill The name of smart pill now refers to any pill that can deliver or control its delivery of medicine without the patient having to take action beyond the initial swallow. The phrase smart pill became popular after the computer controlled medical device was patented by Jerome Schentag and David DAndrea, and named one of the top inventions of 1992 by Popular Science magazine. However, now the name has become generic and many companies are using the name smart pill. History of the Smart Pill Jerome Schentag, professor of pharmaceutic science at the University of Buffalo, invented the computer-controlled smart pill, which can be electronically tracked and instructed to deliver a drug to a predetermined location in the gastrointestinal tract. David DAndrea was the co-inventor. UB reporter Ellen Goldbaum describes the smart pill as a combination of microminiature electronics, mechanical and software engineering, and pharmaceutical sciences. This capsule represents a significant advance in medical technology, said DAndrea to UB reporters, With the Smart Pill, we have been able to miniaturize a complex electronic system and put it into a capsule about one inch long. Youre not just taking a pill, youre swallowing the instrument. David DAndrea is the president and chief executive officer of Gastrotarget, Inc. the manufacturers of the Smart Pill. Jerome Schentag is the companys vice president of research and development. DAndrea is also the director of Millard Fillmore Hospitals Engineering and Devices Laboratory.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Chromatography Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Chromatography - Lab Report Example Unknown mixtures of dyes were also resolved into their respective components using paper chromatography. Chromatography is a separation technique that determines the components of a mixture. Drug tests of blood and urine samples as well as determining the presence of harmful substances in drinking and groundwater are the most common uses of chromatography. The solid or liquid stationary phase holds the mixture to be separated. In addition, it is the medium to which the mobile phase passes through. On the other hand, the liquid or gaseous mobile phase passes along the stationary phase and in the process carries the components of the mixture with it. In the end of the experiment, separate bands are observed, representing the different components that move along the stationary phase at different rates. The chromatogram is the pattern of separated bands produced after chromatography. Each band is characterized by its retention factor, which is the ratio of the distance between the origin line and the band of the component and the distance between the origin line and the solvent front. In paper chromatography, a specialized paper made of cellulose is used as the stationary phase. The best mobile phase for a particular separation experiment depends on which solvent system the sample components have different Rf values. Thus, measurement of Rf values of the individual sample components in a variety of solvents is necessary in deciding which solvent to use as the mobile phase. This experiment was conducted to determine, through paper chromatography, the retention factors (Rf) of the seven pure food dyes, red 3 (R3), red 40 (R40), blue 1 (B1), blue 2 (B2), yellow 5 (Y5), yellow 6 (Y6), and green 3 (G3), approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and dissolved in three different solvent systems, distilled water, 70% isopropyl alcohol, and 0.10% sodium chloride (NaCl)
Friday, October 18, 2019
Landlord and Tenant law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Landlord and Tenant law - Essay Example The law protects and acts on behalf of both the landlord and the tenant. Ms. Richard the tenant has occupied the dwelling unit for a number of months. Since she moved in, the flat has been constantly damp due to roof leakage every time it rains. This has brought severe cold on her. She has frequently complained to the landlord who has not taken any action. Consequently, she has terminated paying the rent to accumulate enough money to engage a builder do the repairs. It is worth to note that Mr. Samson gave her a tenancy agreement, which is for a fixed term of two years. In the agreement tenancy, there is no reference to any repairing obligation of the landlord. It also prohibits keeping of pets but Ms. Richards keeps an Alsatian dog in the flat. She has also been convicted of possessing cannabis on the premises. Mr. Samson intends to evict Ms. Richards from his premises soon. According to section 109 (b) of the Landlord and Tenant Act, rent should be paid at the time and place agreed by the parties. The entire rent should be paid at the beginning of any term. One month’s rent should be paid at the beginning of each month of a longer term. Unless otherwise agreed, Mr Samson is justified to claim the rent arrears in a court of law and obtain possession of his house. He can evict Ms. Richard who has bleached the agreement under the Serious Rent Arrears ground and pursuant to section 21 of the Housing Act, 1998. We can compare the above justification to a case in London where one Mr. O had extensive rent arrears in Mr. S’s dwelling unit. Though Mr. S had not given a written tenancy agreement to the tenant, he was finally able to obtain possession of his property under the ground of Serious Rent Arrears. Compared to Mr. S, Mr. Samson is in a better position to acquire possession of his premises as he had issued a tenancy agreement to Ms. Richard at the commencement of her tenancy. (See, Landlord law 2009-Examples of successful
Can socialism be achieved within a capitalist society Essay
Can socialism be achieved within a capitalist society - Essay Example The forces of demand, supply and availability of goods determine prices. As a result, there exists a huge gap between individuals in possession of capital and the ones without. Under capitalism, the government has little control over labour forces (Wu, 2002, p. 56; Yunker, 2009, p. 56). Although socialism idea was noble, its enforcement in a modern capitalist society can prove to be retrogressive rather that progressive (Hancke?, Martin, and Mark, 2007, p. 34). The introduction of socialist elements would prove inefficient and wasteful in a capitalist economy. This owes to the difficulties that arise in the organization of production by socialists. Moreover, socialists remain vague on the manner in which the system should be effectively integrated without harming the more stable capitalist form of governance. Gross misconceptions and indolence of the masses about the intentions of socialism also threaten its practicality (Hancke? et al., 2007, p. 58). In effect, this would challenge the scientific thought of rational conduct over life, which promotes rational economic calculations. Socialism would fail to address scarcity, an economic problem, if introduced in a capitalist society. Scarcity stems from the unlimited wants versus limited resources to meet them. Capitalism solves this problem through the theory of value, which asserts that an individual can only chose a good whose value is appeasing. Preference therefore sets the platform for monetary valuations and prices. Socialists do not value pricing or the determination of prices by economic agents. Without prices, valuations of goods and services would not adequately support satisfaction of wants through expending acquired incomes from specialized division of labour (Watson, and Hassett, 2008, p. 121). Socialism, through its limitation of the absence of fluctuating prices and free markets, would undermine proper use of resources in a capitalist society. It is nearly impossible to imagine a successful societ y that prevents free expression of preferences through a pool of prices. Random and frequent valuations of a resource through the forces of supply and demand are the only sure way of determining whether it is being used effectively to meet human wants. It would be impossible for socialist ideas like these to thrive in a highly competitive capitalist society where only the strong survive (Yunker, 2009, p. 112). While competitiveness in a capitalist society drives civilization, socialist ideas would lead to slow growth. This is because decision making and planning become centralized with bureaucracy standing in the way of development and growth. There is also the aspect of collective effort rather than personal challenge that leaves the society exposed to inefficiency and laxity. There is no place for laxity in a capitalist society as everyone is encouraged to work hard to attain personal development, which often reflects in the overall performance of the economy. Socialists cannot gu arantee adequate service to consumers while maximizing profits compared to capitalists. This efficiency arises from the promotion of private ownership of factors of production, which socialists oppose (Lawler III, 2009, p. 6). Freedom by private owners like proprietors and entrepreneurs to acquire and dispose property sets them on the path to determining true prices that reflect market forces of demand and supply. Through such freedom to calculate and
How science textbooks provide philosophical normative or celebratory Essay
How science textbooks provide philosophical normative or celebratory -- accounts of science - Essay Example However, the main aim of philosophy is to uncover what exactly qualifies as a science, the efficiency of scientific theories it comes with and the primary rationale for science itself. Scientific textbooks act as basis for understanding various accounts of science in different perspectives. Basically, this essay recognizes the fact that these textbooks are indeed fundamental in understanding both philosophical normative and celebratory accounts of science. Perhaps, the principal question is whether they offer adequate normative and celebratory accounts of science. The above thesis is supported by a look at both normative and celebratory accounts as follows. Usually, normative accounts of science involve an attempt to relate certain reasoning to an ultimate model while basing such reasoning to what is perceived to be right and normal. Scientific textbooks do make claims on how things should be, how to rate them, the identity of good and bad, and recognition of the wrong and right components of the claims. Arguably, the normative nature of a statement is independent of whether it is verifiable, can be verified or majority held. Significantly, normative claims and their meanings are an important part of human life. They help man in his daily organization and thought planning. Thus, they are essential to decision making especially those involving distinction of political and ethical discourses. Therefore, the use of scientific textbooks in understanding philosophical normative contexts is without doubt a beneficial way of appreciating scientific accounts (Achinstein 51). On the other hand, these textbooks also offer a basis for understanding philosophical celebratory accounts of science. Science attempts to unravel certain happenings and explain why they are exactly so. Scientific realists assert that the main aim of science is to state the truth and that individuals should consider
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Email - New Travel Policy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Email - New Travel Policy - Assignment Example Moreover, it has been noted that, travel expenses outweigh the estimated per diem allowance by far. To implement the new policy, the company ill issues travel expense credit cards to each department. To avoid unofficial use of the card, the cards will be managed by department heads and will only be issued for an on-duty travel. The cards will be loaded with monthly intervals unless on special request by the department. Given that most travel agencies have incorporated e-payments the cards are expected to be very effective. Secondly, each transaction via the card automatically reflects both in the general accounting department as well as the respective departments finance office. Due to the urgency and seriousness of the problem, the new policy ought to kick off from next month. Therefore, each department is expected collect a loaded credit card from the accounting department by the end of this month. Remarkably, as from 1st November, the accounting department won’t accept any travel expenses for travel
Exploring the Integration of Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions Dissertation
Exploring the Integration of Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions Within Supply Chain Management - Dissertation Example It was able to attain this position through vigorous investment in technology to ensure that its continuous improvement is not only based on intent but founded on empirical data as well. Tesco’s direction is on the right path towards its goal by using the latest of what Information Technology can offer to assist it in gathering historical data of its operation and at the same time being provided real time reports of its operation. The ability to move its inventory as efficiently as possible to all its stores either from the owners of the labels or from its own distribution center is one of the lifeblood of Tesco thus its employment of a Supply Chain Management System is mandatory. However, it is also imperative that information technology should not only assist its operation it is also essential for Tesco to be ahead of its competitor by ensuring that its information is built into an essential knowledge base for use in developing its business intelligence framework. Integratin g an Enterprise Resource Planning Solution into a Supply Chain Management System would provide the infrastructure to achieve this. The integrated system would be able to project demands and issue orders ahead of time to ensure that the shelves of Tesco’s retail stores scattered all over the United Kingdom do not go empty. To stay ahead of its competitor within the same industry the knowledge that will be built in the integration of the two systems would translate to the provisioning of valuable information to label or product owners. Information such as demands based on geography and time will aid label owners on how to time their production and delivery to Tesco stores. Introduction Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions have considered and taken into consideration all information that can be gathered pertinent to the operation of the organization and convert them into knowledge that companies can use to meet the demands of the industry (Monk & Wagner, 2012). Supply Chain Ma nagement system takes into account all relevant information that can be collected for purposes of making the production and inventory process efficient, cost effective and responsive to market demands (Hugos, 2011). The implementation of both solutions would enable the company to meet its production targets while at the same time it will be informed in real time of the operational position of the organization including its financial situation (Karni & Shtub, 2009). Tesco plc is a retail and general merchandise organization headquartered in Cheshunt, United Kingdom (Tesco, 2012). The nature of business of Tesco requires that it keeps track of all inventories to a point wherein it is aware of when an item in its inventory is received up to the time on when it is sold. A Supply Chain Management System would be able to track inventories in this same manner as described. An Enterprise Resource Planning System would be able to provide Financial and Controlling systems, Human Resource Mana gement, Production Planning, Treasury systems and the planning of all other company resource.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Email - New Travel Policy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Email - New Travel Policy - Assignment Example Moreover, it has been noted that, travel expenses outweigh the estimated per diem allowance by far. To implement the new policy, the company ill issues travel expense credit cards to each department. To avoid unofficial use of the card, the cards will be managed by department heads and will only be issued for an on-duty travel. The cards will be loaded with monthly intervals unless on special request by the department. Given that most travel agencies have incorporated e-payments the cards are expected to be very effective. Secondly, each transaction via the card automatically reflects both in the general accounting department as well as the respective departments finance office. Due to the urgency and seriousness of the problem, the new policy ought to kick off from next month. Therefore, each department is expected collect a loaded credit card from the accounting department by the end of this month. Remarkably, as from 1st November, the accounting department won’t accept any travel expenses for travel
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Commercial Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Commercial Practice - Essay Example Generally in most cases, there are certain three distinct states that can generally require the usage of a quantitative model. In a case where we are unable to observe such a stipulation not being contented then every model that is being considered will have to be forced to ascribe mathematical values for the incompetent characteristics or attitudes , that can ultimately guide to distortions in several conclusions that are consequently obtained from each of the models Still, wherever all of the significant issues are quantified, there can exist other issues those that are linked with the information and data that may prevent the exploitation of a quantitative model. If for instance the specific data are undependable or in some cases are exceedingly pricey in terms of the time it may require to be collected in or the funds it would cost to assemble, then in the above cases the use of a quantitative model might not be appropriate feasible. 2. The rationale ought to rivet a certain intensity of prejudice or delineation which can only be attained through certain specific mathematical and quantitative comparisons. Some examples of these maybe : It is said by researchers and analysts that if the chief rationale seems to be achievable devoid of the use of a certain specific quantitative model, it is then advised to inquire about the response in a non-quantitative manner. The rationale behind this being, the fact that the utter intricacy and information congregation essential for nearly all of the quantitative models know how to be factually reasonable if it is vital. 3. An occurrence wherein the scheme of significance encompasses an important amount of responses on the intensity of aggregation necessary. This is most commonly a situation wherein the behavior and effect of a certain variable X tends to affect a certain variable Y, and vice versa. If we observe all the definitions of almost all the quantitative models that exist, we would be able to comprehend the fact that in some cases they would not be required to evaluate the response. On the other hand if the performance of the aim is seemingly directly proportional or directly related to the feedback it would be advisable to use a certain quantitative model for the purpose1. Most of the Quantitative models are based on the assumptions that are simple and not too intricate at all. It is also observed that most of the most quantitative funds managers hold on to the ground rules of contemporary group theory. The fundamental concepts of this issue consist of the capital asset pricing model also famously known as the CAPM model , the Central Value Theory by the famous Graham & Dodd who also named the model after them , the
Monday, October 14, 2019
Identifying the ideal self
Identifying the ideal self Page | 1 Contents Introduction 1. Identifying my Ideal Self 2. My Real Self 3. Feedback From Others 4. My Learning Agenda Conclustion References Introduction My name is Gavin le Roux and I am currently the Parts Manager at Hatfield VW Braamfontein. I have been employed in my current company almost 6 years, been a Parts Manager for the past 9 years and been in the Parts environment for over 13 years. I have many goals and aspirations, both personal and within my department, many of which I have achieved and excelled at and some which I am still working towards. One of my major goals is to become a Dealer Principal, and for me to be able to peruse this and be successful in achieving this I will need to become a more effective leader. So how do I become a more effective leader? Well first I to identify my Ideal Self which is the person I would ideally like to be and invasion myself to be, and to take the necessary steps and actions to work towards becoming that person. Second would be to understand myself better by means of acknowledging who I currently am, my core values, causes of my behavior. Thirdly I would need to gather honest feedback from others as to attain my current positive and negative behaviors. Lastly would be to populate a personal growth learning agenda to identify key growth areas. 1. Identifying my Ideal Self As a Manager at my company I have vision to both grow my department and myself. In being able to be successful at this I need to identify my Ideal Self, which is the person which I ideally desire to be. I have spent some time reflecting on where I currently am and what I have achieved at my company and where I would to take my department and myself to. During this process I have identified both strengths and weaknesses and have identified key characteristics and traits which I would require to master in being able to achieve in being my Ideal self within my company. These characteristics and traits are as follows: To be an effective and successful leader To be enthusiastic and have a positive attitude To support my team at all times and with all aspects Have excellent Interpersonal skills To be confident To communicate effectively with my team Inspiring Through these values I believe I can grow both my department and myself and be able to take my team and department to the next level and also reach my personal goals within the company which is to become a Dealer Principal. I want to leave a legacy behind me in my company and be known as the leader that took his department from zero to hero. A leader that set solid foundations, had great vision and implemented strategies to achieve his visions, a leader who was innovative and continually contributed to the growth of his department. Growth in my department will not come from me alone, but from me and my staff as a unit. For me to be able to get my staffs support and buy in I first need to master myself and understand myself in depth before I can master others and become a successful leader. The next step is achieving the necessary changes to myself in being able to get closer to being my Ideal Self is to apply Personal Mastery. Personal Mastery is the ability to see where I am as a person at present vs. the Ideal person I want to be, and to continually work towards improvement in being that person. As I have already identified my key traits in being my Ideal self within my company, Personal Mastery will now assist me in my journey towards continuous improvement towards applying my desired traits. It’s all about self-discipline and taking responsibility to implement the necessary changes. â€Å"People with a high level of personal mastery are acutely aware of their ignorance, their incompetence, their growth areas. And they are deeply self-confident†(Senge, 1990). In addition to Personal Mastery, Emotional Intelligence (EI) is another tool which will assist me in my journey to getting closer to my ideal self as it will assist me with the ability to deal effectively with my team. Daniel Goleman describes emotional intelligence as managing feelings so that they are expressed appropriately and effectively, enabling people to work together smoothly toward their common goals. Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth (Mayer Salovey,1997) The ability to understand, interpret, and respond to the emotions of my staff will be a huge benefit for me in being a more effective leader. I am going to integrate my results from my Myers-Briggs Type indicator (MBTI) Personality report into EQ to illustrate my stronger areas and areas I need to focus on in terms of EQ. My MBTI results listed me as an ISFJ (Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) Personality. My Strong areas in relation to EQ are: I notice what needs to be done to help people, I am sympathetic, tactful, and supportive to others in need and I notice and do little things that help others feel good. Now looking at key components in EQ, Empathy is vital in understanding the others emotions and being able to handle them in accordance to their emotional reactions. I accept responsibility beyond the call of duty and follow through until my work is completed. This relates back to a key factor in EQ Motivation, which is the passion to work for reasons beyond money or status and to peruse goal with energy and persistence. My areas which I would need improvement on in relation to EQ are: When I am in a crisis, I find it difficult to remain calm and composed. I find it hard to hide my distress and worry until the situation is resolved. EQ is very much about self-awareness and self-regulation, I need to train myself to be more in tune with my moods and emotions, to control them better and be able understand them and use them more effectively. I am an Introvert and am hence reserved, quite, private. EQ requires Social Skill for the ability to manage relationships and build networks. Understanding Emotional Intelligence will play a key role in helping me grow as a leader. 2. My Real Self â€Å"Waking up to who you are requires letting go of who you imagine yourself to be.†(Alan Watts) I’ve learnt we as people often hide parts of our core personality behind a mask in an effort to cover-up our flaws and insecurities. We’ve been brought up in a world where people around us are like mirrors, reflecting distorted images of who we are and these distorted images are actually of their own brokenness and pain. This unfortunately submerges our true self beneath the surface. As soon as we try to reveal our trues self we are quickly judged and this pushes our true self even deeper under the surface and we replace it with a more acceptable self, a fake. I’m going to use a few tools to give you a look into my Real-Self or alternatively worded as my â€Å"True-Self†. First tool is the â€Å"My Ice-burg†concept which is based on an iceberg floating in the ocean with part of it above the waterline and the rest of it below the waterline. Above the waterline my mask, my cover-up to the world and also my conscious mind. Below the waterline is my True self, which has been suppressed over time by numerous factors, and this area is also my unconscious mind. I have identified myself as illustrated below: I need to allow all of which lays below the water line to surface and to face it head on to be able to unleash my true self. â€Å"Our true self is here now, but it has been pushed beneath the surface by the hands of time and pain and fear†The second tool is Life Positions which is based on views and beliefs about ourselves and others. There are 4 basic Life Positions and Franklyn Ernest (1971) created the diagram below to illustrate these positions: Franklyn Ernst (1971) After spending some time trying to be brutally honest with myself in identifying where I am positioned in this grid, I found myself to be between two quadrants which are â€Å"I am OK / You are OK†and â€Å"I am OK / You are not OK. So why between two quadrants? Well, I see myself as someone who is quite happy with both myself and others, I feel very much in control of my own life and don’t rely on others to achieve this, I have high standards and I don’t always look at others as having lower standards for themselves. In short I’m very much happy go lucky. Now, on the other hand I can also be find myself sometimes blaming others and wanting to be right and being firm. This is why I find myself to be between two quadrants, as I see mixed traits in my Real Self from both â€Å"I am OK / You are OK†and â€Å"I am OK / You are not OK. 3. Feedback From Others 4. My Learning Agenda Conclustion References Anon., n.d. [Online] Available at: Anon., n.d. [Online] Available at: Anon., n.d. [Online] Available at: Flanagan, D. K., n.d. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 23 March 2013]. McCarthy, D., n.d. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 03 April 2014]. mmolloy, n.d. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 March 2014]. Montenegro, O., n.d. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2014].
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Free Essays - The Joys of Volunteering :: Contribution to My Community Service
The first agency I volunteered to work for is a program called Summer Quest. Summer Quest is designed to help students that are in the sixth through twelfth grade experience a "positive summer experience." What this actually means is that it provides students an opportunity to do fun and exciting things, in a positive atmosphere. Instead of the students sitting at home alone the entire summer, they have a place where they can hang out and enjoy themselves. This is a great program that offers students an alternative to getting into trouble and being alone during the Summer. Summer Quest is also setup in a way that all the activities are relatively inexpensive. This is where I come in. I was in charge of putting together a schedule of activities for each week. The schedule included an activity for Monday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Thursday from 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This was a very difficult assignment. I had to plan fun events, but also make them very inexpensive. This was an interesting task that allowed me for the first time to use many of the skills I had learned in my Organizational Communication classes. I had to negotiate prices for admission, and figure out transportation and food cost. It also taught me a lot about planning and time organization. I had to plan months in advance, and fill in every second of the day with activities to keep the students busy. Now I know that in the future when I am in the real world, I can plan big events and pull them off successfully because of this experience. The second agency that I worked for was Parkway Preschool. This agency has two types of programs. They call the first program "Moms Day Out." This program allows parents who cannot afford, or do not have the resources of proper child care, a chance to drop their kids off three times a week from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The second program is a regular preschool program running from Monday to Friday. I had the opportunity to work with both programs during my volunteer work. During my day at the program I would sit in with different classes
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Does Islam Cause Violence in the Middle East? Essay -- Islam, religion
Since the attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, a large focus of the Western Powers, like the United States, has been on the Middle East. Out of this has come a conclusion that this area of the world is prone to be more violent than other parts and this is largely to due to the Islamic religion. This the West has concluded in large part through observation coupled with some qualitative data. However, is this an adequate assertion of the area, and of the religion of Islam? To begin various types of violence will be explored quantitatively and qualitatively to see if there is a difference in the level of violence seen in the Middle East as compared to Western States. Once it has been determined if there exists a difference in the amount of violence in the Middle East, as compared to Western States, it than shall be explored to see what role Islam may play in it. Comparing Violence It has been assumed that while the rest of the world appears to be seeing decreasing levels of violence, it appears the Middle East has yet to experience this same trend. By just watching the news or reading the paper, it has appeared that in the past couple of decades there have been either an increase in violence in the Middle East. In addition, it has also appeared that certain types of violence that the West has not experienced for some time still exist within the region. The question this raises then, is the Middle East more violent? On the other hand, is this nothing more than Islamophobia? To find the correct answer both a quantitative and qualitative approach will be taken. Through this patterns should emerge that will lead to answer whether are not the Middle East is more prone to violence than other Western States (Pinker, 20... ...s Office on Drugs and Crime. (2013). UNODC Homicide Statistics. Retrieved November 24, 2013, from This publication is put out by the United Nations and its office on Drug and Crime. The purpose of this publication is straight forward. It is to the homicide rates of each State. The data is collected by various agencies, some associated with the United Nations and some not. This document is easy to read and to understand. It serves the purpose in which it was created by showing the homicide rates nearly all the States in the world. The underlying issue with it is that not all the data is complete. When it comes to Western, developed, States the data is complete. However, when it comes to less developed states, it is not. This can causes issues if someone is looking for patterns or comparing regions.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Reasons for selection Essay
Goals and objectives are the starting point for any planning effort because they provide a clear direction. With respect to the transportation system, goals and objective act as a barometer of the quality of life expected by a community and are also used to measure the success or failure of implementing a proposed plan. This is a summary of the goals and objectives of the Regional 2030 Transportation Plan derived from a series of public forums in the early 1990s and reviewed by the Capital Area Regional Transportation System Study (CARTS) Long Range Plan Task Force. For the first time, a number of interest groups, communities and non-traditional partners had been involved in the planning process in order to ensure that the goals and objectives were consistent with the adopted â€Å"Wise Growth†land use alternative and included a cross section of needs and perspectives. The adopted goals and objectives of the Regional Transportation 2030 Plan are as follows: †¢ Accessibility – to provide accessibility to all persons and goods. Objectives include providing reasonable access through planning capacity and routing, giving priority to multi-modal projects, maximize accessibility to all persons regardless of their economic, physical and social status and assure compliance with the Disabilities Act. †¢ Mobility Options – to provide multi-modal transportation choices for all people and goods. Objectives include inter and intra regional routing and modal options, giving priority to projects that enhance all modes and provide balance, to stage programs and projects in priority corridors, minimize disruptions and provide alternative routes and modes, reduce congestion, promote Transportation Demand Management strategies, encourage events, businesses and facilities managers to advertise alternative travel modes and services, undertake pre-emptive measures, use the guidebook â€Å"Evaluating Traffic Impact Studies in local and intergovernmental reviews and to consider and expand public transit in rural areas. †¢ Safety – to design, manage and maintain transportation systems consistent with accepted multi-modal safety standards, goals and the regional plan. Objectives include reduction of number, severity and resultant casualties of traffic crashes, encourage traffic control measures and Intelligent Transportation Systems applications, minimize conflicts between transportation modes and implement programs to improve traffic calming measures, sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, railroad crossings, paved shoulders, bicycle facilities, safety education, enforcement programs, multi-use paths, paths to accommodate horse drawn carriages and access management, to encourage installation and improvement of sidewalks where missing or substandard and to provide adequate safety lighting in pedestrian areas or transit stops. †¢ System Efficiency – to maximize efficiencies in utilization and performance of the multi-modal transportation systems. Objectives include using the transportation system management techniques to maximize operating efficiency including ridesharing, public bus transit, walking, biking, traffic sign and signal improvements, intersection improvements and way-finding; to develop policies and incentives to increase vehicle occupancies, coordinate movement of both people and goods, guide transportation expenditures in line with the seven mandatory planning factors listed in federal law (SAFETEA-LU), social, economic development and land use goals, travel time, operating cost, accident risk and performance standards and provide alternative forms of travel connecting services. †¢ Environmental Impacts – to develop a transportation system compatible with federal, state and local environmental standards. Objectives include reducing air pollutant emissions, reducing energy consumption, promoting use of alternative fuels and technologies, minimize transportation-generated noise, minimize disruptions to open space and natural areas, encourage alternate modes of transportation and encourage environmentally friendly design standards and practices. †¢ Land Use – to develop a system which maximizes positive impact and minimizes conflict. Objectives include encouraging local governments to adopt and implement land use plans, strengthen the regional metropolitan center, develop transformation services consistent with regional growth plan, preservation of land and open space, promotion of regional greenways, existing public utilities, local land use plans, regional non-motorized transportation plan, growth centers; prioritize development of sidewalks, provide non-motorized links within the community, encourage non-motorized connectivity, encourage transit oriented development and consider transit access and appropriate standards. †¢ Financial Considerations – to seek financial resources to preserve, maintain and improve the transportation system. Objectives include preserving and enhancing the existing system, seeking maximum state and federal funds, seeking local governmental funding, seeking alternative sources of funding, encouraging economic development, maintain and modernize existing system, coordinate and negotiate concurrent public and private infrastructure investments, use surface transportation systems, demonstrate wise and efficient operations and consider life cycle costs. †¢ Economic Development – to develop a system that fosters economic development at reduced cost and better opportunities. Objectives include improved services, intermodal connectivity, enhanced travel and freight services, regional cooperation, non-motorized enhancements, flexible and timely response and transit access. †¢ Public Involvement – to involve the public in planning and development. Objectives include public participation throughout the plan, continued feedback, involvement of interest groups and an active process of public information and education. †¢ Transit – to develop, maintain and expand public bus transit system. Objectives include decreasing auto dependency and demands on the roadway system, increasing public transit’s hare, reduce congestion, reduce need for highway improvements, serve the transit dependent, develop cost-effective system, increase intermodal transportation linkages, direct resources and efforts to increase ridership, accommodate passenger rail service, make transit an attractive alternative, connect employment centers and public services, provide safety comfort and aesthetic improvements. †¢ Parking/Parking Management – to provide for parking needs and minimize urban congestion. Objectives include finding alternatives to parking, evaluate removal or restriction on street parking, support land use that is conducive to transit, reduce overall parking demand, increase parking facilities for bicycles, promote construction of parking facilities, improve pedestrian access and develop parking facilities in line with standards. †¢ Community Impact – to design systems compatible with community character and environmental standards. Objectives include minimizing disruptions through transportation projects, enhancing community goals, enhance community character, provide non-motorized enhancements, consider community goals, prioritize aesthetic enhancement projects. †¢ Intermodal – to increase opportunities for intermodal and freight connections. Objectives include providing services that provide multimodal connections, incorporate rail, truck and air transport, improve access to intermodal facilities, complete alternative analysis, consider transit oriented park and ride facilities and encourage use of rail freight where available. †¢ Non-motorized – to encourage pedestrian and bicycle modes. Objectives include improved bicycle facilities, utilizing the natural character of the landscape, bike parking and storage facilities, bike parking, consider privacy of adjoining properties, complete regional River Trail system, encourage multi-use pathways, improve bicycle parking standards, provide improved bicycle transportation system, improve safety, provide close to home and regional activities and encourage use of non-motorized transportation system, safe pedestrian access, non-motorized connectivity, regional greenway system and complete route location and design studies, installation of sidewalks, non-motorized facilities, acquisition of raid corridors and projects within rail and utility corridors. †¢ Management Systems – to evaluate alternate transportation investments and strategies. Objectives include using the Congestion Management System, the Safety Management System, the Intermodal Management System, Pavement Management System, Bridge Management System and Public Transportation Management System. †¢ Airport Issues – to promote region’s air facilities. Objectives include supporting local policies, maintain region’s air facilities, evaluate alternative routing access to airport, pursue balancing funding for airport, encourage gateway and way-finding improvements, consider emissions and noise pollution, encourage airport partnerships with local governments and incorporate intermodal connections. †¢ Intelligent Transportation System – to better manage existing resources and enhance efficiency. Objectives include improved safety of regional transportation system, improved management during special events or system disruptions, minimize community and land use impact, manage parking demand and supply, enhance level of service and reduce environmental impact. The new transportation planning process is intended to clearly relate programs and projects to state and local transportation goals and objectives, make the process more strategic, focused and flexible and improve performance measures. For an effective 20-25 year regional plan it is important to apply a temporal component to achieve regional goals and objectives and to regularly measure progress generally after every four year period. Types and characteristics of projects may also change over time to better fit with goals and objectives. The Long Range Plan Task Force has also identified short term and long term strategies, projects and performances measures for this plan. There are several reasons why I have selected the flute over the others. First of all, almost all the people in my life either play or have played the flute at one point of their lives; my mother and all her brothers play the flute; my brothers and sisters have the same passion for it as well; my cousins play for their respective schools too; and most importantly, the love of my life is busy with the development of the skills and talents that would make her career flourish. Second, I have played other instruments in the past. I have developed my skills in playing the piano and practiced that for over seven years. I have also played the violin for quite sometime. However, for some reasons that no words can articulate, I keep on going back to my real love – the flute. Finally, it is the only sound that de-stresses me when I extremely feel tired, that makes me happy when I am so frustrated, and that makes me feel complete. Qualities and Features of the Flute that Interests Me The sound that comes from the flute’s hole is always dominant because of its clearness. It is really â€Å"music†to my ears because it is so graceful, elegant, and exceedingly sweet. That is the major reason why it makes me feel better all the time. Also I have observed that it is not very effective in a rather large venue but is extremely soothing if played in smaller setting. Role of the Flute in the Orchestra The flute plays a large role in the orchestra because there are times when it has to be in the front position, sometimes, it is up to it to carry the whole performance altogether. Its dominance is the main reason for this, because of its power, it stands out, and so it has to sound outstanding to be able to carry the whole performance altogether. References Debost, M. (2001). The Simple Flute. NY: Oxford University Press. Leonard, H. (2000). Essential Elements 2000 Flute Book. n. p. p. : n. p.
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