Saturday, August 31, 2019
Cultural Difference between Ancient Egypt and Ancient China Essay
The Cultural Development of ancient Egyptians and ancient Chinese civilizations were fairly similar but were different on certain ideas. From the way historians looked at the number of gods/goddesses each civilization worshipped, to the inventions and tools the craftsman made to make life less difficult shows the similarity of the two civilization. Both couture’s buried their dead with items of value, practiced ancestor worship, had elaborate systems of Bureaucratic systems of administration and, had rudimentary concepts of Mathematics and Medicine. Ancient Chinese religion based upon Confucianism. Both Taoism and Confucianism began at about the same time, around the sixth century B. C. E. China’s third great religion, Bu. The religion of Ancient Egypt was a polytheistic (many gods) religion with one short period of monotheism (one god). Their religion hosted about 700 different gods and goddesses. Despite the similar concepts of the 2 civilization ancient Chinese: In Egypt, people were buried with thought to preservation, as they believed that the dead would be able to use their bodies in the afterlife. Chinese burial style depended on the province as well as the main religion of the person. But both civilizations were polytheistic (belief in many gods). Ancient Egypt belief system relied heavily on the tales of the many deities that they worshiped. In Ancient Egypt, it was believed that, when a Pharaoh passed away, he was met with many tests. If successful, the Pharaoh would ascend and become the sun god, Ra. However ancient Chinese belief system relied on three major religions: Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism. Taoism was founded during the Zhou Dynasty in the 6th century by Lao-Tzu. The idea of Yin and Yang comes from Taoism. They believed that everything in nature has two balancing forces called Yin and Yang. Confucianism was born in 551 BC. Confucius was a philosopher and thinker. Confucius’ teachings focus on treating others with respect, politeness, and fairness. He thought that honor and morality were important qualities, family was important, and honoring one’s relatives was required. Buddhism was based on the teachings of Buddha. Buddha was born in Nepal, just south of China, in 563 BC. Buddhists believe in a â€Å"rebirth†of the self, and the concept named Karma (all actions have consequences). What makes these two civilizations similar, Egypt and China had similar governments in which they were both monarchies. Both ancient Chinese and ancient Egypt made tools and technology to improve their lives, and make everyday tasks easier. Also both civilizations also required an irrigation system to help regulate and utilize the nearby rivers’ sources. However, this is where the similarities of technology end. Egyptians focused primarily on the afterlife. They built grand pyramids as burial sites and afterlife protection for Pharaohs and important nobles. The Chinese spent their efforts building roads for easier trade and canals for efficient, improved farming. Ancient Egypt and ancient Chinese used paper. China and Egypt are also similar in the fact that they all took use of bronze metallurgy. But although they both used bronze, China was better adapted to it and benefitted more from it. Egypt was slow to develop the use of bronze, and the high cost didn’t allow them to use it much. Ancient Chinese made paper (Papyrus- a tall plant that is like grass and that grows in marshes especially in China). Ancient Egypt are known for their pyramids. The size, design, and structure of the pyramids reveal the skill of these ancient builders. The pyramids were great monuments and tombs for the kings. The Egyptians believed that a king’s soul continued to guide affairs of the kingdom even after his death. To ensure that they would continue to enjoy the blessings of the gods, they preserved the pharaoh’s body through the mummification process. They built the pyramids to protect the pharaoh’s body; the pyramid was a symbol of hope, because it would ensure the pharaoh’s union with the gods. Ancient Chinese rich people had fancier houses, and people also built fancy temples and palaces. All ancient Chinese architecture was built according to strict rules of design that made Chinese buildings follow the ideas of Taoism or other Chinese philosophies. The design idea was that buildings should be long and low rather than tall – they and symmetry: both sides of the building should be the same, balanced, just as Taoism emphasized balance. Both Ancient Egypt and Ancient Egypt were both river civilizations that faced the challenge of flooding of their nearby rivers, which made irrigation systems and tracking floods important. While researching ancient Chinese and ancient Egypt I saw that each civilization had the same ideas but they took their prior knowledge and bulled on it, in different ways. Based on this evidence and facts I gathered I conclude that ancient Egypt and ancient China are the strongest and longest lasting civilizations because of their organization. Also since each civilization’s location was closed off, intruding and trying to conquer weren’t a major issue. While writing this paper I learned that with each civilization’s advanced tools and inventions it impacted everything and influenced all the technology we have today.
Friday, August 30, 2019
20 Years Ago India Essay
Twenty years ago this weekend, three top Indian officials burned the midnight oil tearing up old import controls and preparing a package of economic reforms that would slowly lead to the booming India that is widely admired today, with growth of 8-9%, 300-350m people enjoying the benefits of a consumer economy, and businessmen operating internationally. But India seems to be in no mood to celebrate that momentous event, just as it wasn’t at India’s 50th anniversary of independence in 1997 when the feeling was downbeat. People then were unsure of what to celebrate, since so little had been achieved in terms of economic development, care for the poor, and industrial efficiency since the British left in 1947. Ten years later, that had changed because of the economic boom of the intervening years. But the 1997 mood is now back again. People are aware that, despite all the economic and business successes, 800m people are still desperately poor and under-nourished, with poor access to clean water and health and education services. Public infrastructure and services are crumbling, national security and defence preparedness is woefully inadequate, and governance is sliding into a greedy, corrupt and inefficient abyss with no bottom in sight. Popular contrasts of India’s elephant and China’s tiger economies are being trotted out in various articles and studies, as they have been for 20 years. But the contrast is simplistic because India has its tiger industries such as information technology (IT), autos, pharma, and mobile telecoms that have been spurred by entrepreneurial drive and technological change. There are also rapidly industrializing states – notably Gujarat and Tamil Nadu (despite its political corruption). These are taking the place of India’s earlier internationally lauded cities, Bangalore and Hyderabad, the capitals of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh that have been swamped by the greed and corruption of politicians and businessmen in areas such as land acquisition, mining and real estate. (The Karnataka chief minister is this week accused of facilitating multi-million dollar illegal mining). India’s blundering elephant is the government establishment that has refused over the past 20 years to change the way that the country is run. The 1991 whittling-down of the government’s role has not been followed through. The government still controls the mostly unreformed banking and defence sectors as well as the vast array of public sector industries and, in various ways, land useage and licensing, especially in the corrupt telecom sector. Such government controls skew development. When the current United Progressive Alliance (UPA) came to power in 2004, led by Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh, reforms were initially held back by Communist-led Left Front that supported the government. Since the 2009 general election, reforms have been blocked by the disproportionate power of other coalition partners that have 20 or fewer MPs out of the coalition’s total of 262. The main problem however is that Sonia Gandhi, who heads the Congress Party, is not a firm enough believer in reforms to push Singh and his government into a tougher line, and Singh is too cautious. Consequently, a raft of reforms have been delayed including divestments of stakes in public sector businesses, increasing FDI in various sector such as defence, insurance and retail, and – most important of all – curbing subsidies. Montek Ahluwalia, whose Planning Commission is currently finalising a new five-year plan, argues that the future focus should be on three more urgent areas that would otherwise block economic progress – the use of energy and water, and urbanisation. These areas need changes of action by the central government, and even more by state governments, that has eluded India for the past 20 years. It is hard to see how India can tackle these issues, given that failure since 1991. People who are well off will of course do better, and the 300-350m people now enjoying varying levels of consumerism will increase in number and satisfaction. Companies will become more profitable and will become more internationally active. But social tensions will increase, with growing battles over the use of land and other scarce resources. Major reforms will be needed to reverse the trend of bad governance and corruption. It is an irony that, though the past 20 years began and now end with Manmohan Singh, he was neither in charge at the beginning, nor is he at the end. That is not a criticism, but in the early 1990s he could only do what he did courtesy of Narasimha Rao, and now he cannot do what he doesn’t do courtesy of Sonia Gandhi and the UPA’s coalition partners. Something surely needs to change.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Importance of the Humanities Essay
There has been much debate about the importance and benefits of funding the humanities in school. Many people are of the view that the study of the humanities is a waste of time and that more money and effort should be expended on teaching the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). On the other hand there is the school of thought which express the importance of maintaining the humanities. Others like Christina Paxson in the article â€Å"The Economic Case for Saving the Humanities†have posited the view that there be a â€Å"cross pollination between the sciences and the humanities†. I am of the view that the humanities are essential and should remain an integral part of the education system. Like Paxson I agree that individuals should be exposed to both the humanities and the STEM disciplines. The humanities are basically the study of the different ways in which people from different parts of the world and during different periods of history have processed and documented the human experience. It is the humanities that we have used to make sense of the world in which we live and also to make records of our experiences. Humans have made sense of the world in which they live through philosophy, literature, religion, art, music, history and language. Having records of human experiences allows individuals to feel connected to those who were before us and also our contemporaries. I strongly believe that the study of humanities is important because not only does it allow us to understand the world in which we live but it also gives us insight into everything and brings clarity to our future. By doing the humanities individuals learn to think creatively and critically. They know how to ask questions and to reason. According to Paxson we need to create well rounded individuals who will be experts in any situation. She argues that the country does not need experts in one subject but a civil society in which everyone can provide meaningful insight into any topic of conversation. As Paxson points out we are living in a global world. As such it is important that we have knowledge of other cultures in order to negotiate our way in this complex village. The United States for example have to form relationships with other countries and it is important that the powers that be know who they are dealing with. Paxson cites the example of the importance of having experts in Arabic and the history of Islam after the September 11 attacks. Through their knowledge the US gained insight into what motivated these individuals and how to possibly respond to them. Knowledge of these people would not have been possible without the study of humanities. The humanities provide us with a number of intellectual and emotional skills that we need to have in order to operate in our society. These are not acquired naturally but rather through the study of a number of humanities. The humanities helped me a lot in my last job at a bank. It strengthened my communication skills both in written and spoken word. I was able to communicate with internal customers, coworkers, easily and without being socially awkward. I was also able to challenge and make recommendations to policies in a respectful manner. I dealt with external customers promptly and efficiently due to the fact that I was able to understand their transactions and queries. In the first part of the video â€Å"Why Look at Art†a lady says, â€Å"I think it’s important [that] people look at art, because we live in a visual world. †This is true; we definitely live in a visual world. Look at it this way, if it was not for art, computers and other electronic devices could only be used by programmers as they were just a series of codes and commands. The introduction of the GUI, Graphic User Interface, solved this problem. The GUI had images that everyone could relate and easy to use. If it was not for art these devices would not be as successful as they are today and would not form the backbone to our means of communication. Throughout this paper I have sought to highlight the importance of humanities as a course of study. Humanities encompasses a wide range of areas that can be applied to our daily existence and enhance our interpersonal interactions, it is therefore important that the humanities remain an integral part of one’s educational experience. This is basically to ensure that one becomes wellrounded, socially accepted individuals.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Global Operations Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Global Operations Management - Research Paper Example 334). Other issues are clearly disclosed by Fisher (2003) as: â€Å"whether globalization results in unfair labor practices in developing countries; whether globalization damages the environment; whether multinational corporations have become too powerful to the detriment of developing country citizens and governments; whether globalization gives rise to tax competition that undermines the capacity of governments to raise revenues and thus to provide necessary services to their citizens; whether intellectual property protection is damaging the health of developing country citizens†(p. 7). Political issues include government regulations imposed on foreign organizations including policies on deregulation, risks faced from local violent groups and insurgents, level of organized crime and terrorist activities in the host foreign country. 2. Explain what cultural barriers and diversity issues are commonly encountered by international/multinational (MNC) and global organizations. C ultural barriers and diversity issues are commonly encountered by international/multinational and global organizations for the reasons that each country has developed its own set of values, traditions, cultural norms and beliefs that could be significantly different from the home country. For instance, Japan and Germany have different cultural mindsets and practices that have been ingrained in the general population since the beginning of time. Operating in Japan or Germany should therefore necessitate orienting oneself on cultural disparities and business practices to ensure that expanding to these countries would not compromise, intimidate, impose oneself and run contrary to the people’s beliefs and value system. As emphasized by Firoz, Maghrabi and Kim (2002), â€Å"theoretical reasoning and statistical analysis revealed the four main dimensions on which country cultures differ. They were labeled Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Individualism, and Masculinity†(p. 32). 3. Why has diversity become such an important topic in the international arena? Diversity has become such an important topic in the international arena because in order for global organizations to effectively operate in a foreign country, the barriers to effective operation must be addressed: language and communication barriers, business ethics, value systems (religion), business practices, and external factors that impinge on the expanding organization. Due to diversity in culture, there could be significant differences in cultural norms, values and traditions that could not simply be imposed on the host country. 4. What can occur when issues related to multiculturalism and diversity are ignored in an international company? If these are not effectively and appropriately addressed, the risk of failure is increased. There would be eminent problems in communication, in expecting that policies and procedures would simply be adhered to or followed, and in imposing one’s normal way of doing things on another culture that has been accustomed to a different way of doing business or a way of life. 5. Describe at least 2 political and 2 economic issues that may arise during global expansion and proposed methods of addressing them. The political issues that may arise during global expansion are: (1) barriers to entry and (2) political upheaval.
Global Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Global Marketing - Essay Example Many multinational corporations target customers from different parts of the world. It is imperative for marketers to customize their advertising efforts depending on the global market they are targeting. People from Europe have different taste than American customers. Global marketing has increased in popularity during the 21st century. Marketers today are using a wide variety of tools and techniques to reach the global masses. One of the most popular tools that global marketers are using to send messages to customers is the internet. The internet is a very effective marketing tool because marketers can run campaigns through the internet at lower costs in comparison with traditional media such as the television. Another advantage of the internet for global marketers is that anyone around the world can gain access to a website by typing in the URL. A lot of global marketers are taking advantage of the trend of internet surfers visiting a few times per day social media websites. The l argest social media website, Facebook, is estimated to have one billion users by the end of 2012 (Purdueexponent). The users on Facebook account for one-seventh of the world population. Another popular method global marketers use to reach the masses is television commercials during major sporting or social events. During 2012 global marketers paid up to $4 million for a 30 second ad during the Super Bowl (Yglesias, 2012). An important factor that global marketers must take into consideration is the culture of the country the firm wants to penetrate. The over 200 countries around the world have different cultures, thus marketers have to adapt their marketing campaigns to meet the taste and preferences of the global customers. Consumer Behavior Consumer behavior studies how individuals, groups, and organizations select, buy, use, and dispose goods, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy their needs and desires (Kotler). To understand consumer behavior markers have to spend time an d resources doing market research. Consumer behavior varies depending on the age, race, and gender of the person among other factors. Companies from all industries must pay close attention to consumer behavior. Companies that are able learn about the consumer behavior of its target market are usually more successful. Understanding consumer behavior is a very challenging task. â€Å"Consumer may say one thing but do another.†(Kotler). Investing money to understand consumer behavior can be very beneficial because it can increase the total sales of a company. Time and experience are two factors that can positively influence in the efforts of companies to learn about consumer behavior. There are different stages of the buying process of customers. The six stages of customer behavior are: problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, purchase, and post purchase evaluation (Udel). Customers often change their purchasing behavior during the ir lifetime. The taste of teenagers, adults, and senior citizens are much different. The income capacity of a consumer influences their purchasing decisions. Many multinational corporations invest millions of dollars in marketing in order to attract customers. The fast food industry invested in 2010 $4.2 billion in advertising (Philpott). Advertising has the effect of creating interest of customers in goods and services. Many consumers are impulsive buyers. The use of discounts and specials is often used by the retail industry to attract customers. It is important for businesses to obtain customer retention. Based on Pareto’s rule 80% of a firm’s sales comes from 20% of its customers. Another way to increase customer retention is by
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 10
Essay Example These packages can be modified to play a particular accounting functionality such as payroll processing. Because of the modification specializes the software to one particular function, using such an application package becomes highly manageable and easy to use. As such as, most organizations prefer the highly manageable and user friendly database packages which are gradually outgrowing the use of accounting packages (Siegel & Shim, 2000: pp305-307). Both the accounting and database packages make the work of an accountant quite easy and smooth. It has even been cited that such application packages can be used by a person who is not an accountant. In a way, this aspect of the application packages being able to be used by non-accountants threatens the tenure of the accountant and reduces him/her to any other employee. Initially, before these packages gained usage, the accountant was respected for the work done but now with the applications in the market, worse still the fact that can b e used by anyone with little or no accounting knowledge, has underscored the importance and services of accountants. This fact also threatens the accuracy of accounting records because if an accountant notices an error he will be able to rectify it. This paper seeks to highlight how the ready availability of database packages has rendered the accounting package obsolete and diminished the role of the accountant. As intimated earlier, Accounting package or software is basically application software which is able to record, process and account transactions within any accounting scenario such as receivable accounts, payable accounts or even payroll. Accounting software characteristically made up of various modules. These modules are basically a section of software which handles a particular function in accounting. The most common modules include but are not limited to: 5 Debt Collection Sometimes
Monday, August 26, 2019
INSANITY AND MURDER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
INSANITY AND MURDER - Essay Example Women were further forced into the stereotypical passive housewife role†(Frick, 2002). Those women who found this role difficult to assume were often the subjects of harsh treatments or otherwise controlling methods that were designed to bring them back into their socially accepted, and therefore considered natural, roles. â€Å"Cures included bed rest, seclusion, bland food, refrain from mental activities (such as reading), daily massage, and sensory depravation. Though these treatments do not seem too appalling, they were comparable to solitary confinement and would often drive a woman to further insanity†(Frick, 2002). These are the types of women who are often seen gracing the pages of late nineteenth and early 20th century writers such as William Faulkner and Susan Glaspell. In stories like â€Å"A Rose for Emily†(Faulkner) and â€Å"Trifles†(Glaspell), women can be seen to be driven to insanity by the controlling actions of the men. Faulkner introduces Miss Emily Grierson as a woman who has never been provided an opportunity to become comfortable or familiar with the world outside of her father’s old world ideals. â€Å"None of the young men were quite good enough to Miss Emily and such. We had long thought of them as a tableau; Miss Emily a slender figure in white in the background, her father a spraddled silhouette in the foreground, his back to her and clutching a horsewhip, the two of them framed by the back-flung front door†(437). This created a situation in which Miss Emily â€Å"got to be thirty and was still single†(437), forced to live in her maidenhood forever and lacking any connection to the rest of the world. Miss Emily’s inability to relate to the real world outside her fantasy is first manifested completely when she refused to acknowledge her father’s change of state upon his death. â€Å"Miss Emily met them at the door, dressed as usual and with no trace of
Sunday, August 25, 2019
What do you consider is the function of metamorphosis in the Angela Essay
What do you consider is the function of metamorphosis in the Angela Carter collection (The Bloody Chamber) - Essay Example In other words, metamorphosis functions to transform fairy tales from a male oriented reading to that of a female oriented reading. Fairy tales have notoriously depicted male dominance over women. Carter resorts to gender metamorphosis in that she liberates women and stresses the female sexual liberation and desire and reverses conventional feminine and masculine roles. In doing so, Carter unveils repressed female sexuality and sexism and the male dominated construction of the female self (Makinen 1996, p. 41). The Bloody Chambers The Bloody Chamber is based on the fairy tale Bluebeard. The original tale, Bluebeard did not give voice to the female protagonist’s own feelings and thoughts relative to her own tumultuous marriage (Roemer and Bacchilega 2001, p. 94). In Carter’s metamorphic retelling of Bluebeard in The Bloody Chamber, Carter’s female protagonist comes across as poignantly informed and instructed by the experience of her marriage (Carter 1993). Not on ly is this purely female perspective told in the first person narrative, but delivered in a direct and informative manner. Carter’s The Bloody Chamber immediately informs that the narrator is a female whose metamorphosis from girl to woman has resulted in an informed and mature woman with a voice and feelings. The short story opens with the female protagonist’s reflection of her journey to womanhood. She recalls with â€Å"excitement†that is likened to: The train that bore me through the night, away from Paris, away from girlhood, away from the white, enclosed quietude of my mother’s apartment, into the unguessable country of marriage (Carter 1993, p. 7). Carter masterfully, lets the female protagonist narrate the fairy tale from her own perspective and by taking this approach, she is transformed into a sympathetic character. The original tale may have conjured up images of the perpetuated image of the female as the biblical Eve: an object of temptation (Roemer and Bacchilega 2001, p. 94). Carter’s metamorphic depiction, allows for a revisionist version of conventional perspectives entrenched in Christian presentations of the Eve myth. Carter presents a strong female and invites a more positive perspective on the Eve myth. As Roemer and Bacchilega (2001) puts it: Carter’s literary revision of Bluebeard undercuts the Christian doctrine of original sin. Her heroine’s agonizing ordeal, so similar to Eve’s, is portrayed as a necessary and bold initiation into self and worldly knowledge rather than as an act of foolish disobedience (p. 95). In the original fairy tale, Bluebeard’s female protagonist marries an older man who subsequently takes a leave of absence. Before leaving he gives his bride the keys to the palace and instructs that she may have access to all the rooms in the palace, save for one. The bride however, soon gives into temptation and enters the forbidden room. In doing so she finds the corpses of her husband’s previous wives. Despite the fact that the bride is shaken by the discovery, the tale presents her as inconsequential and disobedient. She apparently experiences no self-growth as a result of this experience (Roemer and Bacchilega 2001, p. 96). In Carter’s metamorphic depiction of Bluebeard, the female protagonist has a voice and is not inconsequential. Carter’
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Diachronic Analysis of Poverty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Diachronic Analysis of Poverty - Essay Example From the 578 documents reviewed in the process of selecting the core definitions of poverty, three broad categories were utilized in the screening of the documents: the main among the had to relate to poverty, secondly, each document had to contain a unique and original definition of poverty, and finally, the authorship to correspond to the key actors involved that is the researcher, donors, government, and NGOs. To uncover the deeper layers of meaning within definitions and changes, the diachronic analysis disaggregated topics, themes, and frames within the definitions. Huckin (2002) states that each definition was first disaggregated into basic component parts or topics, once they were identified they were grouped according to their semantic meaning for example topics such as housing, assets, and clothes were grouped according to material assets or possessions while topics such as food, nutrition, and life expectancy were categorized as physical factors. The definitions varied in t heir length and complexity. Some definitions were formed by a single theme while in more length definitions, the themes were embedded in one another. Â From the findings, the majority of definitions of poverty were sourced in documents written by development agencies and researchers with fewer non- governmental organizations and national government. One of the reason for this as argued by Edwards and Hulme (1992) reveals that governments and NGOs are largely the implementers of development praxis. Secondly, NGOs and government literature often repeated definitions offered by both researchers and donors, this literature was least original and therefore least represented. Gill (1970) argues that NGOs programmes in the past were more independent and did not mirror donor interests today for example during the 1970s, NGOs were less interested in poverty per se than disaster mitigation and family relief as stated by Gill (1970), Twedt (1998) and Maxwell (2001). Â
Friday, August 23, 2019
Body Ritual among the Nacirema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Body Ritual among the Nacirema - Essay Example It has similarly attracted many anthropologists whose concern is to identify and to expose the special unique practices (Murdock, p. 506) their practices embrace the limits to which people’s behavior could explore. The name Nacirema would be reversed to mean American and in that context the majority of the outsiders actually consider them total reverse due to their strange and unique practices. In addition to that, the culture of body ritual among the Nacirema asserts that the body is quite in an ugly state and is vulnerable to diseases and infections. These are a major concern since man intends to make the body appealing, stronger and resistant to illness. And this they believe can be countered through a series of rituals and traditional ceremonies. In respect to that, every household owns a shrine indoors for these purposes. The amount of the shrines owned by a household would, therefore be dependent on their social status and economic depth. For instance, the opulence of a family is based on the number of ritual shrines that they posses. Most houses of the Nacirema group of individuals are made of daub and wattle. However, the shrines are built with strong magnificent stones an illustration of the special attachments and considerations of the shrines.this may seem so public but the rituals of every family secret to its members. Among the many daily body rituals performed include the mouth rite. It entails an insertion of a smaller hog of hair pieces into the mouth accompanied with a powder that is magical and ultimately running the bundle in precious formalized routines of gestures. Another mouth rite, though done once or two times a year, is the private mouth rite. The procedure looks scarier and is a visual torture to most anthropologists who dare to unveil the practice. It involves more paraphernalia that consists of probes, augers
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Theories Of Perception Essay Example for Free
Theories Of Perception Essay How the mind works during perception have been one of the mysteries of the mind. Cognitive psychology is involved in the investigation and the understanding of behaviors that is caused by cognitive functioning. If developmental psychology had to deal with the nature-nurture debate, the theories of perception are generally conceived either as a bottom-up approach or the top-down approach. The bottom-up approach says that perception visual stimuli is dependent on the characteristics of the stimuli, if the stimuli has the right color, shape, intensity and background, then the mind would readily perceive the stimuli (Noà «, 2004). On the other hand, the top-down approach says that perception is influenced by previous experience and learning, wherein perception is dependent on what the mind have previously known and conceived about the stimuli (Noà «, 2004). Thus, the mind has a sort of schema that guides the mind in identifying the stimuli presented to him/her. It is also interesting to note that perception as with everything else is shaped by the social and cultural context in which it occurs. In a conservative culture, same sex marriages may be perceived as immoral and abnormal, but to cultures who have endorsed homosexuality do not perceive it as such. In another example, a Catholic whenever he sees a cross or a church would surely make the sign on the cross while a Protestant or a Baptist would not. In order to illustrate the difference between the two approaches to perception the following examples are provided. Bottom-up The ability to appreciate an abstract painting is an example of the bottom-up approach. The individual viewing the painting do not have any idea what the painting is and what it depicts. The mind then processes the painting in terms of the different color gradients, shapes, spatial characteristics and then tries to present a coherent whole that the mind can understand (Marr, 1982). Thus, an abstract painting can be interpreted in different ways since the viewer may manipulate the different strokes, colors and lines to form an object or a figure that is pleasing to the eye. However, our perception of what the abstract painting represents can be affected by the cultural orientation of the perceiver. A person coming from a very structured environment may find the abstract painting worthless as he cannot understand it for it lacked structure, while a person who is very open-minded may find the painting a challenge since it makes him think. Top-down The famous expression â€Å"looking for a needle in a haystack†is an example of the top-down approach. The expression is meant to convey difficulty in finding a specific object or person, but when we look at it cognitively, it is not that difficult. The person who must find the needle already have a concept of what the needle looks like, it is thin, shiny and has a sharp edge (Gregory, 1990). This information could have been formed during previous encounters with a needle, thus the task becomes easier because the person has to focus only on one thing, and that is the needle. He/she may eliminate the hay straws since they do not look like a needle. However, it would have been a different scenario if the person tasked with finding the needle has not had any experience with a needle, an example is Sleeping Beauty. Due to the banishment of the spindle in her kingdom, she did not know what it looked like and hence she got pricked by one and was placed on a spell. Similarly, culture shock may also be caused by the lack of prior experience or knowledge of what the new culture will be like, hence the individual is overwhelmed with the new stimulus. Bottom-up and Top-down The perceptual process involved in the perception of an object embedded in the background includes the bottom-up and top-down approach. The person directed to find the objects hidden in the picture will first look at the picture and then analyze its characteristics and what it represents then he/she will look for the shapes, lines or a shift in color or depth (bottom-up) to determine where the hidden objects might be found. When the person has found the hidden object and identifies what it is, he/she then proceeds to look for the other objects guided by the knowledge of what the object would be (top-down). If the hidden object is as universal as a face, then identifying it would not be difficult, but if it were an obscure figure like a zodiac sign, then only those who have had prior knowledge of zodiacs would be able to find the hidden object. References  Gregory, R. L. (1990). How do we interpret images? In H. Barlow C. Blakemore M. Weston-Smith (Eds.), Images and Understanding, Thoughts About Images, Ideas About Understanding (pp. 310-330). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Marr, D. (1982).  Vision.  New York: W. H. Freeman and Sons. Noà «, A. (2004).  Action in Perception, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Pursuing Undergraduate Studies Essay Example for Free
Pursuing Undergraduate Studies Essay I lived in South Korea for 14 years with a family and friends who are always there to comfort me through thick and thin. After finishing my eighth grade my parents decided to send me in the United States of America to study.  They believed that by doing so, it will make me a stronger person both academically and socially.  At the start, it was very tough for me because of the language barrier.  My difficulties in using the English language cause a tremendous social gap with the American society.  In the long run I was able to overcome those obstacles in my life. I have found myself enjoying my stay in the USA with new friends and a better life ahead with more open doors and opportunities. One of these doors was when I attended a JP Art–Studio during the first year which aroused my interest in art and I accepted those changes with open arms. The only barrier of this desire is my parents, whom I don’t want to disappoint aside that they are the one supporting my study here in USA. They want me to become a doctor, but my heart and soul cried out for me to become an artist. Until one day, my life changed dramatically. Two years ago when I visited Maryland in one of the bookstore, I saw an illustration book by Obata-Dakesi. My eyes widened, my ears numbed, my body froze and my mind got sucked as I read the illustration book of Obata-Dakisi. I heard a lot of stories of people who became an animators and illustrators after reading an illustration book. It was the turning point in my life. I cannot imagine that this kind of art has the great power to make people pick up their pen to graphically explore their world and express their emotions, as what happened to me. A strong marvelous feeling inspired me to pursue my dream of becoming an artist. It was truly amazing how I was able to share my thoughts and feelings by just looking at other’s drawings. It brings out the very true person as I am. Day after day drawing has become more significant in my life. I am fascinated with the structures of an illustration so much that it motivates and inspired me to determine strongly the purpose of my life. I started looking at objects more closely and experimenting to it so as to build up further my drawing skills. I become more attentive and sensitive to my surroundings. Now, I have my own definition of â€Å"art†and this makes me more comfortable following my dreams. My goal is not becoming what everyone else wishes me to be, but to follow the desire of my heart, this burning feeling that makes me move every now and then. I cannot imagine life without art. It becomes my best friend, my best life-teacher. It will make me a better unique person with purpose and direction in life. Arts what matters to me know. Throughout my life, I have found myself another fulfilling experience that makes me the happiest person. My ultimate goal now is to be admitted in one of the best school, the School of Visual Arts for computer art program in Maryland Institute College of Art. Through enrolling in this prestigious institution it will be able to help me fulfill my dream in becoming an ultimate artist. I know that I will learn many techniques, styles and many more from your institution and this will all help me to prepare in my future careers in arts.
Tobacco industry
Tobacco industry Tobacco industry Tobacco industry plays as a pioneer in the modern marketing. Tara Parker-Popes ‘Cigarettes: anatomy of an industry from seed to smoke acknowledge that the tobacco industry represents promotion and marketing itself. It is the industrys marketing ability which made tobacco a high necessity good for billions of people around the world, despite the products nature of harmfulness. The world tobacco industry has been recently hit by the criticism on major companies social responsibility as the awareness of the products harmfulness increases. This is followed by anti smoking campaigns and various regulations in the global market. Despite the adverse environment, the industry is still growing and its influence on the world economy has not weakened. A question then arise, what type of marketing strategy the industry has been applying in order to form a huge global market and what would be effective strategy to adopt in changing environment. The question can be tackled by analysing an individual company which has been adopting its strategy successfully to changing environment. BAT (British American Tobacco) The worlds biggest market is China where 35per cent of the global total output is consumed and industry is state owned monopoly. Outside China there are four major companies which account nearly half of the global market, which PMI (Philip Morris International), with a global market share of 15.6per cent, BAT (British American Tobacco) with 12per cent, JTI (Japan Tobacco International) with 10.6per cent, Imperial Tobacco with 3.5per cent. (Yuk. Pan Kwan, 2008, p18) BAT was founded in 1902 and has sustained a significant industrial presence for over 100 years. They produce 684 billion cigarettes a year through 47 factories in 40 countries with 53,000 employees worldwide. Their continuous growths can be identified from their financial performances, where the figures for growth turn over, revenue and profit is in increase. BAT is the most multinational cooperation among the international tobacco companies operating in five regions around the globe. They are America Pacific, Latin America, Europe, Africa and Middle East and Asia Pacific where Its brands hold robust market positions and have leadership in more than 50 markets. While their competitors focusing on the large and base markets (Philip Morris- US, Japan Tobacco- Japan), BAT successfully adopted marketing strategies to the new environments and developed new markets. BATs success in the South Korean tobacco market is the typical example where its effective marketing strategy adopted to fast changing environment. By looking at the market closely, the factors which led to the success will be identified. BAT in South Korean Tobacco Market BAT has entered South Korean tobacco market in 1988 when state monopoly company KTG (Korean Tobacco and Ginseng)s exclusive monopoly on tobacco sale has abolished. Until 1990s its forefront brands KENT and KOOL has failed to adopt the Korean market and experienced market divest for twice. However by re-positioning its brand to DUNHILL in 1993, the sail started rise and in 1996 BAT successfully occupied the competitive position in Marketing Environment The analysis will start with looking at strengths and weakness the BAT obtained internally over the competitors. The opportunities and threats will then be verified to investigate the external environment the BAT is facing in the Korean tobacco market. This will help understanding BATs strategies and will provide solutions to current environment changes. Strength BAT had effective quality control process which ensures customer satisfaction. Over 300 quality tests exist through the manufacturing process from purchasing raw materials to finished products. The products produced in Korea are regularly sent to the BATs lab in London to ensure its quality is maintained. This helps to deliver the BATs image of high premium tobacco producer, which also aid by its 100 years of history. BATs localisation strategy enforces its competitive position in the market. By having a local production facility, its products are made by locals which dilute possible variance the foreign imported goods obtain. With over 500 salespersons operating through 19 regional offices, BAT is able to gather effective information on sales. Salesperson visits 7,200 retailers across the country twice a week, and conducts monthly marketing surveys which not only improve marketing decisions, but improve company reputation. Weakness Local consumer can be hostile to BAT as there is ambiguos impression of greedy foreign multinationals. Also the products nature of being harmful to health multiplies the issue; a good example would be a campaign held in November 2002 by the Korean Writers Association opposing governments grant on BATs manufacturing plant. The hostility to foreign company can be expressed through various way especially in the tobacco market where many governmental restrictions exist. Opportunity Increasing awareness of tobacco products harmfulness, led to demand rise in high quality and low tar tobacco products. This matches with the image of BATs forefront brand DUNHILL-light and the companys reputation of quality tobacco producer. Threat Privatisation of KTG triggered the competition war between global rivals in the Korean tobacco market. This year JTI (Japan Tobacco International) revealed its plan on construction of new manufacturing plant in Korea where as PMI (Philip Morris International) announced the  £65m expansion on its manufacturing facility by 2009. While the competition between incumbent companies grew stronger, Altadis Group which occupies 27per cent of the world cigar market entered Korean filtered tobacco market with its high premium brand at forefront. Korean tobacco market also suffers from increasing awareness on tobacco products harmfulness over the world. The prohibition campaigns led by social groups effected government legislations to restrict the products promotion, sale and consumption. While looking at BATs opportunity and threat, the external environment factors are identified which had big influences on both company and the industry. In order to look into the strategies, needs arise for more thorough investigation on its current market environment. PEST analysis will be conducted to divide the environment into political, economical and social terms which will be defined in more depth. Political Recently governments around the world have applied added restrictions on the tobacco markets Korean market is no different. Restrictions are mainly set in two different ways; restrictions on the manufacturer and restrictions on the consumer. In Korea the direct promotion of tobacco products are only allowed on the printed publications which its reader groups are verified as male adults, excluding daily publications such as newspapers. However even this way has limit on number of appearance, which is set not to exceed more than 60 times a year per brand. On daily publications, only indirect promotions are allowed where only promotions on the company image can be advertised not the product. In July 2002 BAT was prosecuted by Ministry of health and welfare for directly promoting tobacco products on daily publication which cost company with fine. The international organisations pressure on tobacco market is also growing. In last 30th May, WHO (World Health Organisation) said ‘Governments need to ban all tobacco advertising and promotions to deter adolescents from smoking announcing international agreement on prohibiting tobacco companies product promotion through sponsorship on sports, music, etc. If the government sta rt to force this by legislations, BATs current marketing strategy would be affected strongly as most of its promotions are done through sponsorship. Economical Current recession in world economy spreads negative effects throughout the industries, although its results come out to vary between industries. In 2003 Korean economy experienced a recession caused by what is known as ‘Card-crisis, when major finance companies collapsed. The recession spread across the industries except for alcoholic drink and tobacco market. Through the period, the survey reports that sales for alcoholic drink rose by 3.1per cent and sales for tobacco rose by 8.9per cent. (cho-sun il bo) These results put forward the issue on growing tobacco industry in recent hit by health warning and economic recession. Figure1 and Figure2 also support the argument on increasing demand for tobacco in recession period. KTB Investment Company forecasted as ‘considering the current economic recession, the tobacco sales in Korea will increase in next year. The economic recession also affect the trend of the tobacco market. The recent trend in the Korean tobacco market was on low tar high quality brand and this was the reason BATs DUNHILL-light was successful. However analysts argue that the trend is shifting from low tar cigarette to high tar cigarette due to long recession over economy. If this turns out in true, BATs low tar brands will face decline where as PMIs high tar product; Marlboro will be gained. Social Social concern on the tobacco users health is not a very new issue. However increasing concern on the health-right of the passive smoker brought active antismoking campaigns across the world. by nearly 30% from 67.6% in 2000 to 40.4% in 2008. The figure is still declining and the Ministry of national statistic forecasts that the rate will fall to 30% by 2010. The environmental factor of BAT in Korean tobacco market is now defined. The analysis will be used to identify the BATs current marketing strategies and possible changes to be made in adopting with changing environment. Marketing Strategy Marketing strategy is defined through two main processes. Positioning strategy by correct target segmentation and marketing mix strategy by defining four Ps (Product, Place, Promotion and Price). Positioning strategy can be identified through three processes; defining market segments, targeting selected segments and positioning of products on customers perception. Segmentation Korean tobacco market can be divides into demographic region and psychographic region. With nature of tobacco companies being large co-operations, segmenting geographic region is not necessary especially defining a relatively small Korean market. Also Behavioural segmentations is not effective since all tobacco products are consumed regular basis. Demographic region include segment of different ages and social class. Psychographic region include segment on life style and taste. Age group of 19 to 25 and 25 to 30 have characteristics of putting brand image more important than practical use of the products. Many of these groups admire western culture. Group of age between 30 to 50 and 50 onwards share opposite characteristics from younger group. They are royal to the brand based on their personal favour of the taste of the cigarette. Social classes are divided into upper class, middle class, working class and low class. Upper and middle classes are followers of trend and obtain constant income whereas middle and working classes often influenced by environments such as decreased income, economic recession. Life style groups in Korean tobacco market are divided into patriotic personal group, trend setter group and low price follower group. Patriotic group would prohibit foreign products. They tends limit their choices only to KTG products whereas trend setter group has no limit on the choices. As its name represent low price follower group limit their choices to low price cigarette. Characteristics of both life style group and age group are interlinked. The types of tobacco tastes are mild taste, strong taste and special taste. Mild taste group favours low tar cigarette products and strong taste group favours high tar products. Special taste usually refers to group favouring menthol flavour products and rarely strawberry, banana and other fruit flavour also exist. Targeting BATs marketing strategy in Korean tobacco market starts with targeting correct segments. BAT has been operated globally as a high quality premium cigarette producer and premium brand market is their expertise. They will gain advantages by selecting target market where the premium brands work effectively. BAT has a phrase representing their target segment of ‘ASU30 which stands for adult smoker under 30 and age group of 19 to 25 and 25 to 30 suits into this category. Their characteristics of following brand image and admiring western culture comply with BATs product image. In order to comply with their premium brand the social class need to be focused to upper and middle class. The nature of the cigarette product contains consumption behaviour of continuance purchase and this requires constant income to maintain the behaviour. For segments in taste of the cigarette, BATs DUNHILL-light brand complies with those who favour mild taste. With the increasing health concern, smokers are switching from strong taste cigarette to mild cigarette which contains lower tar rate. While the international rival PMI focuses on strong taste high tar market (Marlboro), BAT can also be benefited by weak competition. Positioning In Korean tobacco market, BAT has targeted ‘age group of under 30s, ‘upper and middle social classes, ‘trend setter group and ‘mild low tar favourers. The positioning strategy which would successfully comply with the targeted groups would be implanting the image of ‘BAT produces high quality premium tobacco. This is achieved through prestige pricing, package design, promotion on company reputations and strict quality measures. Defining 4Ps (Product, Promotion, Price and Place) identifies the products position on the marketing mix. Product BATs forefront brand DUNHILL-light has 84mm length and charcoal filter blended. The design of its package is a key driver to image of the premium brand which consist with unique bevel edged style and octagonal shape. As mentioned in the strengths section, BAT conducts over 300 quality checks during production process insuring customer satisfaction. Promotion BAT often uses promotion method of image positioning than product positioning. Rather than appealing with product itself, image positioning focuses on implanting ambiguous image of product. BATs promotion of DUNHILL-light delivers image of luxurious and conservative. However as BAT targets young consumers under 30s, image re-positioning is vital. The rival companies promotion strategy aiming for young consumers threatens DUNHILL-lights market position. PMIs Marlboro-light obtains active image and JTIs Mild Seven has liberal images. Price BATs current pricing strategy contains prestige pricing which ensures its premium brand image. However as identified in threats part, current economic recession decreases the consumer loyalty to its brand. Correct pricing strategy is required which will satisfy both side of the issues. Place BAT has its unique distribution structure over competitors in the market. They are only tobacco manufacturer which runs own sale system of dealing directly with their retailers. Also by conducting monthly survey on retailer BAT can get to its customers more closely. Chain of 500 salespersons and 7,200 retailers are key success to BAT. Analysing marketing strategies of BAT in Korean tobacco market has helped understanding of how strategies adopt to different marketing environments. BATs current strategies are not only identified but evaluated with suggestion of possible improvements to be made. On the whole through the analysis work, strategy which led industrys continuous growth is identified. Finally applying the BCG (Boston Consulting Growth) model, BAT is a Star company in Korean tobacco market which currently enjoying high market share with high industrial growth. In order to become a Cash Cow, BAT should apply passive marketing strategies increase investments to secure its market share.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Momadays Angle of Geese and Other Poems Essay -- Momadays Angle of
Angle of Geese and Other Poems MOMADAY had been writing poetry since his college days at University of New Mexico, and this volume incorporates many of his earlier efforts. Momaday admired the poetry of Hart Crane as an undergraduate, and early poems like "Los Alamos" show Crane's influence. Under the tutelage of Yvor Winters at Stanford Momaday developed an ability to provide clear, precise details and images in his verse. As a graduate student at Stanford, Momaday absorbed the influence of an eclectic group of poets including Emily Dickinson, Wallace Stevens, Paul Valery, Charles Baudelaire, and Frederick Goddard Tuckerman, the subject of Momaday's PhD dissertation. What these poets had in common, at least in the eyes of Momaday and Winters, was the practice of establishing a conceptual theme, but then giving it meaning with concrete, sensory images. The title poem, "Angle of Geese," shows how Momaday employs sensory experience as an integral part of the message, not just as ornament. In the first part of the poem, Momaday relates his reactions to the funeral of a ...
Monday, August 19, 2019
John Locke and The Rights Of Children :: Empiricists, Empiricism
Locke firmly denies Filmer's theory that it is morally permissible for parents to treat their children however they please: "They who allege the Practice of Mankind, for exposing or selling their Children, as a Proof of their Power over them, are with Sir Rob. happy Arguers, and cannot but recommend their Opinion by founding it on the most shameful Action, and most unnatural Murder, humane Nature is capable of." (First Treatise, sec.56) Rather, Locke argues that children have the same moral rights as any other person, though the child's inadequate mental faculties make it permissible for his parents to rule over him to a limited degree. "Thus we are born Free, as we are born Rational; not that we have actually the Exercise of either: Age that brings one, brings with it the other too." (Second Treatise, sec.61) On top of this, he affirms a postive, non-contractual duty of parents to provide for their offspring: "But to supply the Defects of this imperfect State, till the Improvement of Growth and Age hath removed them, Adam and Eve, and after them all Parents were, by the Law of Nature, under an obligation to preserve, nourish, and educate the Children, they had begotten." (Second Treatise, sec.56) Apparently, then, Locke believes that parents may overrule bad choices that their children might make, including self-regarding actions. Leaving aside Locke's duty of self- preservation, his theory permits adults to do as they wish with their own bodies. But this is not the case for children, because their lack of reason prevents them from making sensible choices. To permit a willful child from taking serious risks to his health or safety even if he wants to is permissible on this theory. Parents (and other adults as well) also seem to have a duty to refrain from taking advantage of the child's weak rational faculties to exploit or abuse him. On top of this, Locke affirms that parents have enforceable obligation to preserve, nourish, and educate their children; not because they consented to do so, but because they have a natural duty to do so. 2. The Problem of Positive Parental Duties The first difficulty with Locke's theory of childrens' rights is that the positive duty of parents to raise their children seems inconsistent with his overall approach. If, as Locke tells us, "Reason teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Essay --
STATEMENTOF PURPOSE â€Å"The real secret of success is enthusiasm†-Walter Chrysler This is Sneha Vynathi Garaga, pursuing final year of under-graduation from Keshav Memorial Institute of Technology ( in Electronics and Communication Engineering. It is with great incitement and warmth that I write this personnel statement to discuss my academics and motivation for pursuing graduate studies. In my schooling, after identifying my diligence in academics, I was selected to attend five-day 58th International Astronautical congress (IAC) held at Hi-tech city, Hyderabad. I was inspired immensely by the speech given by Sunita Williams and it was, indeed, a huge source of inspiration for me to pursue my career in the field of technology. Following this motivation, I opted for Electronics and Communication Engineering as my under-graduate major. Though my major in under-graduation is electronics, I am applying for Master’s study in Computer science. I joined my under-graduate college with interest towards electronics; however, later I realized that I have a great inclination towards c...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Eulogy for Romeo Essay
Good citizens of Verona, we are here to grieve the loss of a precious child of God. Romeo Montague, a young man who was like a son to me has passed away due to a series of misfortunate events. Although Romeo passed far too soon, we can still remember the legacy Romeo has left us, and appreciate the many lessons he has taught us. I first knew Romeo as a little boy, born into a family in a harsh, long-lasting feud with the Capulet household. Over the years, I served as a mentor to him. He would often come to my cell to confide his problems to me. It was through these talks that I befriended him and instilled upon him the fundamentals of life. I taught him to disregard the conflict between his family and the Capulets, and to always acquire new friends, not enemies. Romeo turned out to be a polite, kind, and caring young man. He was also a very solitary young man; he would rather take walks through the sycamore trees than run around with his friends. One day, Romeo visited me in order to seek my advice. He was lovesick and depressed that Rosaline didn’t return the love he felt for her, and that she decided to become a nun. Sympathetically, I counseled him and advised him, as his friends Mercutio and Benvolio did, to find another woman in Verona. Romeo was still lovesick, but before long, Romeo was back yet again; this time barring good news. Romeo had found a new love, and this time, the feeling of love was mutual. I remember Romeo saying such words as, â€Å"Then plainly know my heart’s dear love is set on the fair daughter of rich Capulet: As mine on hers, so hers is set on mine; And all combined, save what thou must combine†(2. . 57-60). Romeo had an incredibly deep love for Juliet. He helps me to appreciate the little things in life, and I am very thankful to have been blessed enough to have been so close to him. I was so moved by Romeo’s words, and passion for his love, that I agreed to marry him and Juliet secretly. Romeo was always a persistent young man; sometimes impulsive and irrational but always determined and caring. I was heart broken when I heard the news of Romeo’s banishment and Mercutio’s death. Not long after Romeo’s departure to Mantua, Juliet came to me, begging me to create a solution to stop her impending marriage to Paris. I, being so close to Romeo, came up with a plan to have the two lovers spend their lives together. It seemed fate had already made up its mind, because every attempt I made to help, ultimately lead to the demise of the two lovers. While Romeo’s death is horrible and unfair, there are some positive things we can take out of it. The feud between the Montagues and the Capulets is over now, which will ensure peace throughout the magnificent city of Verona. In his life, Romeo showed how powerful the feeling of love is; we can all learn something from his braveness, perseverance, and his positive attitude even when nothing seemed to be going his way. Romeo wouldn’t want all of you to grieve his death; we should all try to remember Romeo as he was, and acknowledge that he is in a better place now with his true love. My heart goes out to the family of the Montagues at this woeful time; all who knew him will miss Romeo. May you rest in peace, Romeo.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Advance Practice Theory Paper
APA is defined as having advanced specialized clinical knowledge and skills through masters or doctoral education that prepares these people for specialization, expansion and advancement of practice. From the above definition specialization refers to ones concentration in one part of the field of nursing.On the other hand expansion refers to the acquisition of new practice knowledge and skills including knowledge and skills legitimizing the role autonomy within area of practice that overlap traditional boundaries of medial practice/.Advancement in this context involves experience and specialization that is characterized by the integration of theoretical research based and practical knowledge that occurs as part of graduates’ education in nursing. (Michaelene, 2006)The advanced practice nurses are currently being deployed to the rapidly challenging health care system. APN are employed in areas such as the community health government hospitals, nursing homes, clinics all over th e world. APN functions as educators, consultants’ researchers, policy makers and outstanding clinicians in the areas. (pg 20)Advanced practice nursing in my own view is an exiting career of choice with many opportunities and challenges. The rise in technological advancement has produced remarkable assistance in helping the health sector in easier diagnosis of diseases.The word APN designates four roles in the nursing world; the nurse anesthetics, nurse midwives, nurse practitioners and nurse specialists. (pg 25) In other descriptions it only refers to the broad category of nurse practitioner and nurse specialists.In this disruption, the clinical nurse specialists are registered nurses usually at the graduate level school. They demonstrate excellence in a focused area of nursing practice and are the models for quality health care. These practitioners are registered nurses who have achieved the level of education required for additional registration as nurse pra ctitioners with the association of nurses.Their skills are learned through graduate nursing education and substantial nursing practice experience. These groups provide healthcare services from a holistic nursing perspective combined with a focus on the diagnoses and treatment of acute and chronic illness including prescribing medication. (Wales Nurses consultation paper, 2007)Nurses play an important role in the health sector through ensuring the welfare of patient is taken care off in the hospital. The beliefs and actions statement for advancement is important in the nursing community in realizing their personal potential.There are certain challenges that face the profession. Identification of such challenges would be an important step in facing the future within the profession. The basic purpose of nursing is the well being and care of patients.This could mean different when analyzed in different contexts. But regardless of the context this decisions and actions of the healthcare profession should always be based on an individual; need for halt promotion, cure or palliative case, support, advice or conform and involve the patient fully in determining what these needs may be and how they may be met.This paper provided the opportunity to examine barriers and shelters mode for advanced practice role enactment that will provide an appropriate framework for may advance practice nurse role.STATEMENT OF FUTURE PROFESSIOANL ROLEI would like to be a family nurse practitioner.  This is my effort in realizing and exploiting the potential in me. I clearly understand the nature of caring needed by the professional to my particular patents and my developing a unique relationship between my profession and my patent will portray the highest dignity is required.THEORETICAL ROLE FOR ADVANCED ROLE EANACTMENTAdvanced Nursing practice encompasses all the practices including; knowledge, their skills in practice education & research. This is much different f rom the description in terms of performance of medial tasks.Skill acquisition theory also referred as the hermeneutic model has been referred by Benner & Wrubel to study expertise in clinical nursing practice. Banner urges that experienced nurses often use the nurse-patient relationship and knowledge of a patients response patterns to make clinical judgments about patients care. (Michaelene, 2006)Benners definitions of clinical judgment particularly at the level of expertise practice, has been expanded to include both deliberate analytic thinking and non conscious holistic discrimination of patients clinical states. In this model experts judgment include ethical decision making on what is good or right.This is achieved through extensive knowledge from practice, emotional engagement with patients and with one understanding of specific contents for care.In my Advanced Practicing Nursing (APN) the hermeneutic model describe what I would really expect to add in a profession.  Through use of common sense, understanding, skilled know how, similarity recognition and deliberative rationality is key assets that I intend to use to achieve the best skills to run the profession.To be able to recognize patents needs and after better health care I would use my intuition to analyze complex issues. Intuition can be defined as the capacity to analyze complex data simultaneously discerning patterns and act of hypotheses without necessarily naming all the factors involved in their decision making.This will require my in-depth understanding of the complex experiential knowledge which I have accumulated in practice. By combining this attributes and understanding the best patient-interaction method would enhance my effectiveness to offer effective care.My strong points on t he above theory are based on the following understanding that professional education is not just about knowledge and skills to perform tasks, no matter how complex it is much more about so cialization and internalization of the values and codes of profession behavior and practices, both on and off my duty.The professional education takes the lay novice and enables them to be specialists with identity, so that work is not just a job to me by a responsibility. I also understand that knowledge is gained by acquiring it and should not be static, but used for the benefit of the society. I will ensure that my knowledge and skills are in tandem with the role I play as a family nurse.Another model of skill acquisition was described by Ham, 1998, Laura & Salentera 2002, in which they pointed out on the range of analytical thinking approaches with a carrying degree of analytical and intuitive thinking. (Neubauer, 1998).This theory of discussion making, the features of the task to be accomplished are thought to determine the degree of intuition and the analyses used by the decision maker.These features of the task are viewed to be outstanding; the complexity of task stru cture (number & redundancy of cases); the ambiguity of task content (availability of organizing principles, familiarity with the task, and possibility of high accuracy); and the form of tasks presentation (task decomposition, signal definition & response time).The model assumes that greater analytical thinking is related to fewer cues and more complex procedures for combining evidence to result in correct answers.The cognitive model would be achieved in my organization capabilities that I pose; my greater task familiarity and my high accuracy will be a greater contributor to my reasoning.I will intend to use my in-depth knowledge on the profession and inborn knowledge for greater analytic thinking. I will also ensure that I fully understand the task that I would intend to undertake in the hope of making the right decisions.The above theory supports my beliefs that the decision and action that I undertake as a health practitioner should be base on an individual patient need. This is in addition to involving my patients in decision making which concerns their care thereby promoting healthy lifestyles and self management of health.ConclusionThe advanced practice nursing as we have seen has been consistently characterized as based in holistic persecution , the formation of partnership with patients or pollutions the use of research and theory to guide practice and the use of diverse approaches in health and illness management.And as Banner identified the domains or expert practice, my Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) would be based on nothing less but even more of the following, having and helping role, monitoring functions of diagnostic and patient monitoring, good and defective management of rapidly changing situations, teaching coaching factors and monitoring therapeutic interventions and regiments; monitoring and ensuring that offer quality health care services and lastly acquire the best organizational and work-role competences.References‘Con sultation paper’ Designed to Realize Our Potential’: a ‘beliefs and action’ statement for nurses, midwives and specialist community public health nurses in Wales for 2007 and beyond. Retrieved on February 22, 2008 from:
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Managing Motivation at Technocraft
Managing Motivation at Technocraft Lea Darrigade Ines Gyselinck Mary Sagala Benjamin Seban Intercultural Management BS 1 Christophoros Lambridis I. Introduction This report talks about the working motivational problem shown by the workers in a small factory named Technocraft, located in the South East of England. It had slowed down the company’s function in producing high-quality sound recording equipment. The problem has risen to high labor turnover and difficulties in recruiting new employees. It led George Orwell Newell, the company chairman, to hire a consultant named Helen McKiernan to figure out the sources of the problems.In order to help figuring out the problem, George Orwell told Helen about his hypothesis of the lack of motivation in workers is because company’s location which is in the below-average national unemployment are, therefore most of the women workers, who work on the wiring, had no real reason to work since they already have husbands who can earn adequate wages to fulfill living necessities. However, Helen did not want to conclude the problem there. When Helen had done her research, she found out that the workers actually enjoyed their work, but hate to work for the company.In other words, the problem that halted the working motivation in workers is the management itself. II. Forms of inefficient management that leads to the lack of working motivation. a) Uncomforting regulation on working performance In a company, it is important to keep the relationship among the workers, including the manager and chairman, to be good so that they can have comfort in doing their jobs. However this failed to happen in Technocraft. This problem occurred since George elected Robert as the wiring Department supervisor.In order to boost the company’s production, Robert ended all informal working practices and excessive talking among the women workers on the shopfloor. Since then, all the wiring workers have resented his presence. This ma de the workers to be depressed working for the company. Moreover there was lack of honesty in Robert, when he did mistake in recognizing two women workers, who were late to work, with Elena and Veronica, who were hardworking workers in the company. Even though, he knew his mistake afterwards, his ego was too high to accept his mistake and apologize to Elena and Veronica.This caused the intense relation between workers and their advisors, which then lead to the slow growth of working production in the company. b) Productivity rise vs. Worker’s rewards From this report, we can see how productivity and motivation show their positive relation. Therefore company would do anything to increase the worker’s motivation. For example, in Technocraft, to increase their productivity, George initiated a program called â€Å"employee morale-boosting†to intensify worker’s motivation to do their jobs.To achieve a long-term progress in their work, there should be fairness and sincerity in all the effort that the manager do to boost the motivation in workers. For example, when George told the workers that they would obtain rewards if they work hard until they can achieve the production target of the year, however when the target was achieved, all the worker got was just tee-shirt. This shows no fairness to the workers. It showed no equality between the reward and the hard works that had been done. George doesn’t want to increase the production cost by giving them more bonus or other reward that are more equal to the workers’ hard works.III. What Helen & George should do a) Build good relationship among the low-skilled workers, their advisors and chairman In order to start a better future working expectation, George should apologize for the inconvenience and unfairness that happened to the workers. Therefore, workers can be more convinced for a better working condition that would happen in the future. This should be the initial step to b e done by George. On the other hand, Helen can help to convince the workers, by telling them that her research would help convey their burdens to the managers so they can be solved immediately. ) Enact a better management system 1) Be more understanding with employees behavior In order to improve the motivation in working, regulation established within the company should emphasize the comfort of workers. For example, there is no need to stop the out-of-work conversations among the workers while they are working because it would make the workers less comfortable in doing their works. It becomes more unnecessary if the works are easy to do. In addition, advisors need to listen more to the workers’ excuse for doing their mistakes.This is the only way to separate forgivable mistakes from the unforgivable ones. It becomes a forgivable mistake, if it cannot be avoided or there is logical reason behind it. This would help build a better relation between the workers and their advisor s, which create comfort to workers to do their jobs. 2) Pay the employees who work over time Last but not least, the company should pay an appropriate bonus wage the overtime workers. This has a big contribution to grow their motivation since there is an equivalent reward to achieve with the right amount of hard works to do.This policy would bring profit not only to the workers, but also to the company because it can obtain more productivity from the workers. Some people may think that this would increase the short-term cost of production. However the long-term profit would outweigh the short-term cost. Moreover the higher cost of production can be covered by higher price of the products. These higher price would then lead more profit, since the products would be produced more cause by the increase in worker’s motivation. Therefore, this idea would bring benefit to the company in the long term. IV.Effects of the solutions a) Do nothing By doing nothing, the problem remains an d the company may lose profits and portrays a weak image of him to his co-workers. But by doing nothing can give positives ways such as cheap in the short- term and avoiding the risks of making bigger mistakes b) There would be no more labor turnover & difficulties in recruiting new employees. After all, these solutions would bring more comfort to the working condition in the company. There is would less reason for worker willing resign. Moreover, it could lead to a competition for people to work there.Hence, managers or chairman need to keep a management that benefits both the workers and the company. c) Find a new management system The good management would automatically lead to better relation among workers, which then brings a better working atmosphere to work better. If this could happen, the productivity of the company would increase. On the other side, we don’t know if the new manager will be better than the other one: nicer, understanding and skilled. If we take this risk, it will take a lot of time and costs and at the end we are sure of nothing. If the manager d).Pay the employees working overtime. It could drive the employees and would out perform themselves, and also bring a long term financial investment for the company but could get more costs in short-term too. V. Theory and Conclusion We can see that the way George ‘s running his company would correspond to the Mc Clelland’s 3 needs theory. He wants to exercise influence and control others (Npower). He is looking for success and he fears of failure (Nachievement). Nonetheless he does not take care of his employees; he does not pay attention to his social group.In conclusion George does not follow the right way, he should follow the Frederick Herzberg ‘s theory, which means motivate his employees to do well job , respects hygiene in order to obtain job satisfaction from the employees. So finally the best solution for George and his company would be to pay more attention to the employees, make them feel good in the company, show that George is involved in the production process and moreover give to people the money they deserve. So it is a combination of the solution two and three.
American Immigrants and Literacy Essay
Language is very important in the society because it enables people to communicate with each other and for them to participate meaningfully in the affairs of the society. For first generation immigrants to the United States, however, the problem of literacy and language becomes more pronounced. These people migrate to the United States for a variety of reasons. It could be because of economic need. Or it may be because the country they came from is in political trouble and there are outright hostilities and war. In this regard, the education needs of these immigrants may not be congruent with what is in the United States. Since these immigrants entered the US as adults, the challenge to become literate and become expert in the English language is greater than for children. What usually happens is that the parents work incessantly to provide for the family while the children go to school and literate and adjusted to the culture of the US. For adults, however, this is a challenge. This issue could be addressed using a two-step strategy. The first would be the establishment of non-formal English as second language classes that are based in the communities and would be facilitated by the literate members of the society. This way, there would be greater acceptance and they would be more receptive to a member of their community . Alongside the non-formal teaching of English as second-language, there should be a functional literacy program. These adult immigrants would be taught specific matters and subjects that they need for their daily lives. They might not need to study calculus and advance literature, but what they need is a working knowledge of the society they are in and how they can make their lives more meaningful in this society.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Graduation Speech Essay
This is such a great victory for all of us! We have done each others’part to make this occasion whole. As educators, it is our pride and honor to see you all on this very momentous day tasting the fruit of our sweet success for six years of labor and more. Your parents are in deep joy celebrating your achievement that at last you did to surpass this milestone of your primary training. Years ago you entered this place,you had the desire within you to learn and to prepare yourselves for the challenges to come in the future. We had a heart to heart agreement to teach and learn. Now, we have realized that agreement in us. Your teachers are with high regards in you for they freed you from this place because you deserve to seek higher learning which will make yourselves more equipped to meet your tomorrow with confidence, satisfaction, and integrity. The time spent in school was never wasted despite of the shortcomings we encountered. With the theme, â€Å" Building the Nations Future Leaders Through the K to 12 Basic Education Program†, we are truly confident that your dreams are at hand. Just strive hard not only for yourselves but for the nation as well. The foundation we built is of good help wherever you go. As you leave your beloved Alma Mater, put in mind, carve in heart and do by hands the teachings and learnings you acquired in fundamental step of your basic education to gear you up for the higher one. Always remember, even in this step, you start making yourselves leaders. Being a leader doesn’t always mean to be at authority to acquire power, but; being a leader is possessing the ability to make a difference to cut the poverty and corruption for the goodness of humanity so that even the most deprived will still get their basic needs with honor and happiness. Do that vision in you a great mission to fulfill in making this world a better place for all of us to live with equity and justice. May the Almighty God guide you to whatever path will you take in building a nation with integral progress empowered by holistically developed leaders. A warm greetings of congratulations to all of you, Graduates! Mabuhay and God speed!
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Reasons of the Present World's Explosive State Essay
Reasons of the Present World's Explosive State - Essay Example As the paper outlines, Huntington argues that after the cold war the world, which was divided along the ideological and economic status of states, has changed. The old dividing lines of ideological orientation and economic status are to be replaced by the fresh lines of â€Å"culture and civilization†. With these new demarcations, Huntington divided the world in â€Å"Western, Confucian, Japanese, Islamic, Hindu, Slavic-Orthodox, Latin American and possibly African civilization†. Therefore, he asserts that the conflicts in future got to be along these fault lines. He reinforces his argument by giving four reasons: Firstly, the differences in civilization are â€Å"basic and real†thus are rigid and will cause conflict, which necessarily does not mean â€Å"violence†. Secondly, because of technological advancements, the world has become more interactive and so does civilizations, resultantly the emergence of â€Å"civilization consciousness†and â₠¬Å"animosities†. Third the process of â€Å"economic modernization and social change†has brought new identities in focus. Fourth, the dual role of the West. Finally, the uncompromising nature of cultural characteristics as compared to political or economic interests. The â€Å"centuries-old military interaction†between Arabs (Islam in particular) and West is a testimony to the existence of civilization fault line between these two, which will widen in the absence of other ideology i.e. Communism. Amy Chua, on the other hand, indicates that the unrest in the world is because of three factors: free markets, democracy, and ethnic hatred.Â
Monday, August 12, 2019
B300 TMA06 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
B300 TMA06 - Essay Example Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which compose the bulk of the population of the Persian Gulf states, have a rapidly growing export base, as evidenced by a 12 percent increase in exports between 1990 and 1994. The region's international airports--Tehran International, Dubai, Jeddah, and Riyadh International--experienced more than a 50 percent increase in international air passengers between 1988 and 1994. The number of weekly international flights at Tehran International, Dubai International Airport, and Riyadh International increased by 6.3 percent from 1983 to 1993 (Withiam, 1994). In addition, the number of international markets served by Tehran, Dubai, and Riyadh has increased from twenty-two to 102 destinations in more than fifty-seven countries around the world (Journal of Commerce, 1994). Between 1983 and 1993, the region accounted for a 2.1 percent global market share in air passengers, and for 2.3 percent of the world's revenue passenger-kilometers in 1991, In 1992 the port of Sharja in the UAE handled 37,400 ton-equivalent units (TEU), a 146 percent increase over 1991, and about fifty-five thousand TEU in 1993. There is an increased inflow of international investment in this region. The region's major international strengths include oil and natural gas, major international airports, ports along the Persian Gulf, high disposable income per household, an educated labor force, a growing high technology industrial base, and world-class financial centers. In addition, the region is home to many international and regional organizations. In the aftermath of the Arab-Israeli peace accord, people feel more confident about the stability of the region.The region has many weaknesses. These weaknesses include a lack of positive image, a serious need for surface transportation improvements, a lack of efficient and speedy bureaucracies, a perceived high cost of doing business, inadequacies in the workforce, and the absence of a single entity to promote the region internationally. The Persian Gulf region has neither the competitive international reputation nor the economic-development focus of other compe ting regions. As such, it is not a priority location choice for American and Western European investors. The region possesses the basic assets and intellectual talents to compete with any region on the globe. However, it must operate, harmonize, and engage its combined resources to move forward in a deliberate effort to improve its international competitiveness ( Porter, 1986). The Middle East must have a regional business policy which will be crafted by a regional international business council. This business council will be made up of public and private sector representatives. The business council needs to make a long-term commitment to increase the Middle East region's international competitiveness and to develop an integrated strategy for marketing it more effectively. In order to reduce uncertainty and provide greater economic stability, the Gulf countries must unite and develop a business policy that will diversify their economies. For this business policy to work, they need to focus on foreign investment and technology, subsequently enhancing the countries' ability to attract, absorb, and become globally competitive. There are three pending urgent actions that the Gulf countries need to undertake. One, develop a spirit of public and private partnership. Two, improve the region's internat
Sunday, August 11, 2019
BRAHMS REQUIEM Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
BRAHMS REQUIEM - Assignment Example The Robert Schumann’s death that took place on July 1856 also triggered the motivation of this music (Musgrave 25). Brahms’ Requiem differed from other types of music in that it was deeply moving and contained messages of hope, consolation and peace which are rare messages in other forms of music. The requiem also differed in its length being the largest Brahms’ single outdid all the other music. Ellen Eccles being a theatre that was used by the Roman Catholics to conduct the masses for the dead served as a perfect venue for the presentation of this song whose main message was to console as well as restoring hope (Musgrave 47). The classical music is closely linked with broad historical periods, genres, forms and styles. These characteristics show that the classical music is more profound and serious than other types of music. The broadness of the classical music’s genres styles and forms offers classical music with diversity and, therefore, it is capable of expressing of more profound ideas, feeling, and emotions than other types of music. Requiem was all about consolation, hope and peace. The main themes in requiem were melancholy and consolation. In some movements the theme of melancholy was brought about by omission of trumpets, clarinets, violins and timpani (Musgrave
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Emerging market Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Emerging market - Assignment Example There was a rising tendency in the consumption of strong alcoholic beverages until the end of 1980s; in mid 1990s this trend was reversed. Since then the demand for vodka has been decreasing, whereas the demand for beer and wine has been growing1 (Tabel 1). "Alcohol is often characterized as unconditionally negative in the context of poverty." ("Poverty and Alcohol" - an article by Yoon Hui Kim, 2004). Yet, the same author agrees that arguments have been made for both the benefits and disadvantages of alcohol production and consumption - as an industry, alcohol production has been argued to spur economic growth and alleviate poverty, while as a commodity it has been criticized for exacerbating the conditions of impoverishment. Consequently, for poor people alcohol can have both positive and negative repercussions on economic, political, social, and health factors. Alcohol consumption can act as a financial drain for indigent households by diverting limited funds from expenditures on food, healthcare, and education. White spirits and in particular, vodka, have been on the increase since 1999. Much of the growth has been inspired by younger adults, who are either supplementing or bypassing altogether, beer and wine, in preference3. The alcohol industry is an innovative industry able to use a wide variety of marketing tools to achieve success in the market-place. The various aspects of product marketing include advertising, labeling, consumer promotion, packaging and merchandising, being an integral part of promoting different brands of consumer goods. Alcohol consumption in Poland is comparable to that in other European countries4. Buying of alcohol (frequency & amount) depends on demographic, socio-economic and psychological factors. Statistical data reveal that alcohol consumption is wide spread in Poland. In the period of the last dozen years changes in the quantity and structure of consumption were observed. The most frequently consumed alcohol is currently beer, particularly among young people. In may 2003, a research investigating "The conditions of alcohol consumption among Polish adults" published in Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities shows that older people seem to prefer wine and v odka. Apart from age, sex also influences preferences: "women more frequently than men drink all kinds of wine and flavoured vodka, "whereas beer, pure vodka and mead are drunk more often by men" (the
Business environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 3
Business environment - Essay Example In its mission, the bank endeavours to build strong markets in various parts of the world. In addition, HSBC aspires to build a strong customer relation that is keen in upholding excellent service delivery, sales and solutions. It is worth noting that the bank desires to achieve morally based long tern proceeds for all stakeholders. To achieve these objectives, the bank is keen in developing strong team players that will work to produce excellent results. A rewarding and challenging business environment is vital for any business to grow and as such the bank continues to develop a decent working environment for its workers. HSBC aspires to specialize in various banking groups by upholding a commitment to interior philosophies and banking values. HSBC bank is one of the leading banking institutions in Turkey in customer service. This lead is attributed to an excellent working environment for its employees and other stake holders. The working environment is conducive and friendly promoting excellence in customer service. In addition, the bank has over years created strong team players keen at creating service packages that will attract wider markets. The bank has invested greatly in technological innovations that have seen customer service taking place online. Indeed the bank has achieved its objectives despite few challenges that are common to other financial institutions. HSBC’s core responsibility is to provide financial services to its customers. It is for this purpose that the bank has continued to build a strong customer service that is keen at keeping the promise of high level service delivery and financial solutions amid the dynamic corporate environment. In its corporate social responsibility, the bank invests in the education of needy students at all levels of study. The bank also invests in other sectors of the
Friday, August 9, 2019
International delivery of Coke products(supply chain management) Essay
International delivery of Coke products(supply chain management) - Essay Example Every firm has a functional supply chain that is continuously improved to enhance firm operations; this paper sets out to discuss the international delivery of coke products/ supply chain management. The Coca-Cola company is a multi-billion international beverage company that exclusively licenses and markets over 5oo nonalcoholic beverage brands; most of the beverages marketed by Coca-Cola are primarily glistening beverages, but the company also markets still beverages like waters, enriched waters, juices, ready teas and coffees, and energy/sports drinks. Some of the sparkling nonalcoholic products marketed by the Coca-Cola Company include Coca-Cola, Diet-Coke, Fanta, and Sprite; the company has various segments such as Eurasia and Europe among others, bottling investments and company. Coca-Cola is the world’s most powerful brands that has dominated the global soft drink market for more than a century now due to its highly visionary and excellence oriented operational framewor k. The company’s extensive and complex supply chain includes a number of different organizations such as plants, bottlers, warehouses, and customers, in addition to multiple product lines that follow multiple supply chains though with different objectives. With such vastly complex network, it is quite a challenge to achieve real time information on which to base tactical and strategic decisions in the company, thus the need for effective supply chain management. The Coca-Cola Company has involved ITC and SAP consulting to enhance its Supply Chain Management and to achieve further visibility- the main objective of the collaboration is to create a supply chain and decision making strategy through fast information and metrics (Hochfelder). For instance, Coca Cola’s challenge accessing accurate information to compare, in addition to the challenge of inconsistencies in the reporting rules in new ventures was adequately addressed through the integration of supply chain manag ement with SAP, and this system went live with the launching of Coca Cola North America. This integration was a key milestone for the company because it enabled the company to match the supply chain goals with business goals effectively, providing guidelines into firm to end user supply chain processes to help achieve consistency in its processes. Coca Cola’s supply chain guiding principles entail focusing on metrics needing no manual intervention, focusing on metrics to initiate profit stability and metric stability through the supply chain, in addition to, focusing on industry principles that are not coke precise and development of a robust system for reporting changing hierarchies with changing businesses. The Coca-Cola company complex supply chain network cuts across continents to reach consumers all over the world; for instance, the company has acquired some independent bottlers such as the Carlifornia based Scramental Coca Cola Bottling Company in a move to enhance dist ribution effectiveness (Enterprise Labeling). The company has also devolved the distribution of its products to local bottling companies all over the worl
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